Using EconoFact Content on Other Websites
In support of our objective to bring key facts and incisive analysis to the national debate on economic and social policies, the content published by EconoFact (excluding video content co-produced by EconoFact and third party collaborators) may be reproduced on other websites on a non-exclusive, non-commercial basis only, in accordance with the terms listed below.
What’s the catch?
In order to be able to provide this content for use on other websites, we assign a unique pixel to each post to help us know how much traffic the post has received in the other website(s) where the post has been published. The pixel solely provides pageview statistics to EconoFact. In doing so, the pixel allows us to properly measure the full reach of EconoFact’s content.
How does it work?
By copying published content from the EconoFact website, you will copy the pixel as well. When you paste the content into your CMS, the pixel will be pasted as well.
Your website users will not see anything unusual. The pixel will not affect your page layout, page load or website performance.
What about the data collected?
The data collected by the pixel is treated as confidential data, and bound by Tufts privacy statements and terms of use.
The pixel does not track visitors, individually or in aggregate, nor does the pixel track anything other than the pageviews of the page(s) with EconoFact content on your website. The pixel does not set cookies or try to read other cookies.
Terms of Use
Content published by Econofact (excluding video content co-produced by Econofact and third party collaborators) may be reproduced on other websites on a non-exclusive, non-commercial basis only, in accordance with the following terms:
- Content must be reproduced in full. No alteration or modification of the original content is permitted without written permission from EconoFact.
- The reproduced content must be accompanied by an appropriate attribution to EconoFact and to the author(s) of the content, and including a hyperlink to the original EconoFact memo or the EconoFact homepage.
- The EconoFact data pixel encompassed in EconoFact content should be preserved when reproducing the content. (Copying and pasting the EconoFact content will preserve the pixel. For further information on reproducing the pixel, please email EconoFact:
- EconoFact content may not be reproduced for commercial purposes without written permission from EconoFact and Tufts University.
- Except as required to provide attribution, Tufts University’s name or insignia shall not be reproduced without the prior written approval of Tufts University. Requests for use of name shall be directed to the Office of University Counsel at Tufts University.
- All Econofact content is provided “as-is”: NEITHER ECONOFACT NOT TUFTS UNIVERSITY MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND CONCERING THE CONTENT OR ITS COPYRIGHT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. By reproducing the content, you agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Tufts University and its employees against any and all liability, loss, or expense arising out of your use of the content.
- Any disputes regarding reproduction of the EconoFact content shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the courts located in the City of Boston, Massachusetts.
For any other type of syndication of content published by EconoFact, please email EconoFact: