In The News
Over 234 Citations
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EconoFact attracts attention from the media and policy thinkers, and serves as a resource to journalists, because it occupies a unique space, bridging the gap between academic research and the analysis of public policy with non-partisan analysis by leading academic economists.
Coverage of EconoFact’s work:
- The Washington Post quotes EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on tariffs.
- Tufts Now interviews EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on tariffs.
- Vogue quotes EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on the potential impact of tariffs on the fashion and beauty sectors.
- The Chronicle of Higher Education republishes EconoFact's memo on higher education under the second Trump administration.
- The Boston Globe interviews EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on trade.
- The Boston Globe interviews EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on tariffs.
- The Boston Globe cites an EconoFact Chats podcast episode on tariffs.
- The Analysis Group features an EconoFact Chats podcast episode on the economic impact of immigration in the U.S.
- The Peterson Institute for International Economics cites EconoFact's memo on whether the U.S. should try to weaken the Dollar.
- The Washington Post's Editorial Board cites EconoFact's memo on the determinants of countries' olympic success.
- The Boston Globe newsletter Arguable with Jeff Jacoby cites EconoFact's memo on the determinants of countries' olympic success.
- Tufts Now reproduces EconoFact's memo on what determines a country's success at the Olympic Games.
- The New York Times cites EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs.
- The Unpopulist newsletter cites EconoFact's memo on the independence of the Federal Reserve.
- The Washington Post cites EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs.
- Tufts Now reproduces EconoFact's memo on cybersecurity threats in the healthcare sector.
- Tufts Now reproduces EconoFact's memo on China's economic slowdown.
- CNN interviews EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on the value of the dollar.
- Chicago Fed Letter cites EconoFact's memo on labor shortages and the immigration shortfall.
- Investopedia interviews EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on wealth and income in U.S. households.
- The Boston Globe interviews EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on wage growth and inflation.
- The Washington Post cites EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs.
- The Boston Globe quotes EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on inflation.
- The Boston Globe cites EconoFact network member Daniel Bergstresser on debt interest payments.
- The New York Times cites EconoFact's memo on school distance as a barrier to higher education.
- MarketWatch reproduces EconoFact's memo on banks, credit crunches, and the economy.
- MarketWatch reproduces EconoFact's memo on the debt ceiling.
- EconoFact and Journalist’s Resource at the Shorenstein Center, Harvard Kennedy School co-host a webinar on reporting on the local impacts of international trade.
- The Boston Globe interviews EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on inflation, interest rates, and bank failures.
- PRX's The World interviews EconoFact contributor Galina Hale, and cites her memo on how economic crises spread abroad.
- Wall Street Journal's Real Time Economics newsletter cites EconoFact's memo on the rising costs of financing U.S. government debt.
- The World interviews EconoFact's Executive editor Michael Klein.
- Vox cites EconoFact's memo on the declining U.S. birth rate.
- Foreign Policy cites EconoFact's memo on the decline in U.S. migration.
- The Washington Post cites EconoFact's memo on labor shortages and slowing immigration.
- MarketWatch reproduces EconoFact's memo on gas taxes.
- MarketWatch reproduces EconoFact's memo on SWIFT sanctions against Russia.
- NPR's Planet Money podcast draws on EconoFact's memo on immigrant workers and elder care.
- The Boston Globe cites EconoFact's memo on how low-income families spend their money.
- The Boston Globe quotes EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on oil imports from Russia.
- The New York Times cites EconoFact's memo on whether enhanced unemployment benefits have discouraged work.
- The Niskanen Centre reproduces EconoFact's memo on the labor market.
- MarketWatch reproduces EconoFact's memo on the labor market.
- MarketWatch reproduces EconoFact's memo on school shootings.
- The Wall Street Journal cites EconoFact Chats podcast on the federal debt and the COVID-19 recession.
- The Boston Globe cites EconoFact Chats podcast on the federal debt and the COVID-19 recession.
- Bloomberg cites EconoFact's memo on child poverty. (click here for the memo).
- MarketWatch reproduces EconoFact's memo on child poverty. (click here for the memo).
- MarketWatch reproduces EconoFact's memo on childhood networth poverty. (click here for the memo).
- The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women cites EconoFact's memo on the importance of childcare in reopening the economy. (click here for the memo).
- The Washington Post cites EconoFact's memo on hunger in America. (click here for the memo).
- The Conversation publishes an article by EconoFact executive editor Michael Klein on the gold standard.
- The New Yorker cites EconoFact's memo on the importance of childcare in reopening the economy (click here for the memo).
- CNBC quotes EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on the Coronavirus and the economic recession.
- Foreign Affairs cites EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs (click here for the memo).
- Seeking Alpha cites EconoFact memo on state budget gaps in the wake of COVID-19 (click here for the memo).
- The Niskanen Center reproduces EconoFact's memo on disparities in access to healthcare during a pandemic (click here for the memo).
- The Niskanen Center reproduces EconoFact's memo on work-based risks to latino workers during the COVID-19 crisis (click here for the memo).
- The Niskanen Center reproduces EconoFact's memo on incarceration and the COVID-19 crisis (click here for the memo)
- PBS Newshour posts EconoFact's memo on the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on indigenous peoples in the U.S. (click here for the memo).
- The Boston Herald cites Econofact's memo on the risks of growing debt vs. fiscal stringency in the wake of COVID-19 (click here for the memo).
- NPR WDET interviews EconoFact network member Shooshan Danagoulian on testing and workplace reopening under COVID-19.
- The Boston Herald interviews EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education.
- NBC 10 Boston interviews EconoFact's Executive Editor Michael Klein on reopening the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.
- 538 cites EconoFact's memo on the impact of COVID-19 on working families (click here for the memo).
- CNBC cites EconoFact's memo on unemployed and essential low-wage workers after the CARES Act (click here for the memo).
- Macmillan Publishers' iClicker Question of the Week links to EconoFact's memo on election infrastructure (click here for the memo).
- McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University reproduces EconoFact's memo on why the census matters for state and local governments (click here for the memo).
- Washington Post cites EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs (click here for the memo).
- VoxEU cites EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs (click here for the memo).
- Foreign Policy cites EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs (click here for the memo).
- PBS Newshour posts EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs (click here for the memo).
- The Peterson Institute for International Economics cites EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs (click here for the memo).
- The Niskanen Center reproduces EconoFact's memo on the public charge rule and social safety net expenditure (click here for the memo).
- PBS Newshour cites EconoFact's memo on the public charge rule and social safety net expenditure (click here for the memo).
- Seeking Alpha cites EconoFact memo on the impact of the trade war on U.S. agricultural exports (click here for the memo).
- PBS Newshour posts EconoFact's memo on the impact of global trade tensions on U.S. agriculture (click here for the memo).
- PRI interviews EconoFact Executive Editor Michael Klein on the thaw in US-China trade tensions.
- Pittsburgh Post Gazette highlights EconoFact's collaboration with Macmillan Learning to create online materials that will enhance the digital learning experience of students.
- PRI interviews EconoFact network member and University of California, Davis Professor Kadee Russ on the US-China trade deal.
- Harvard Business Review publishes article by EconoFact network member Kadee Russ on the shifts in U.S. trade policy.
- The Niskanen Center reproduces EconoFact's memo on immigration and crime (click here for the memo).
- The Conversation publishes an article by EconoFact executive editor Michael Klein on Paul Volcker. The article was also published by PBS.
- PBS Newshour posts EconoFact's memo on randomized control trials (click here for the memo).
- The Niskanen Center reproduces EconoFact's memo on tax progressivity (click here for the memo).
- Bloomberg Baystate Business interviews EconoFact executive editor Michael Klein on U.S. tariffs.
- Seeking Alpha cites EconoFact's work on the costs of U.S. tariffs since 2018 (click here for the memo). Content also reproduced in Nasdaq.
- PBS Newshour posts EconoFact's memo on the costs of air pollution (click here for the memo)
- PBS Newshour posts EconoFact's memo on the costs of U.S. tariffs since 2018 (click here for the memo)
- The Colony Group posts EconoFact's memo on why U.S. inflation is so low (click here for the memo)
- The Conversation publishes an article by EconoFact executive editor Michael Klein on U.S. Federal Reserve policy, and the prospects of a recession. The article was also published by PBS.
- PBS Newshour posts EconoFact's memo on negative interest rates (click here for the memo)
- PBS Newshour posts EconoFact's memo on U.S. corporate debt (click here for the memo)
- PBS Newshour posts EconoFact's memo on the importance of central bank independence (click here for the memo)
- The Colony Group posts EconoFact's memo on what the Employment Situation Report can tell us (click here for the memo)
- PBS Newshour posts EconoFact's memo on whether expanding access to contraception improves economic outcomes (click here for the memo)
- Bloomberg Baystate Business interviews EconoFact Executive Editor Michael Klein on trade, and the US Federal Reserve.
- PRI interviews EconoFact Executive Editor Michael Klein on US-China trade tensions.
- The Financial Times cites EconoFact's memo on whether the U.S. should weaken the dollar (click here for the memo).
- PRI interviews EconoFact network member and Swarthmore College Professor Stephen A. O’Connell on US foreign aid.
- The Washington Post cites EconoFact's memo on market power and workers' wages (click here for the memo).
- The New York Times editorial board op-ed cites EconoFact's memo on whether China is weakening the Yuan to fight U.S. tariffs. (click here for the memo).
- The New York Times cites EconoFact's memo on the impact of Roe V. Wade on American fertility (click here for the memo).
- The Financial Times cites EconoFact's memo on the yuan-dollar exchange rate (click here for the memo).
- The Washington Post cites EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs (click here for the memo).
- The Conversation publishes an article by EconoFact executive editor Michael Klein on the independence of the Federal Reserve.
- The Conversation publishes an article by EconoFact executive editor Michael Klein on the labor force participation rate.
- Radio Entrepreneurs interviews EconoFact executive editor Michael Klein. Video link is available here
- Project Syndicate cites EconoFact's memos on the costs of tariffs in the U.S.-China trade war, the threats to U.S. agriculture from U.S. trade policies, and on how import tariffs can also reduce exports.
- MSNBC interviews Jennifer Hunt on the merits of a points based immigration system.
- The Conversation cites Lee Branstetter’s EconoFact memo on forced technology transfer. Also reproduced in Asia Times (click here for the memo).
- NPR interviews Kadee Russ on U.S. tariffs on China.
- Financial Times cites EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs (click here for the memo).
- The Washington Post cites EconoFact's memo on steel tariffs (click here for the memo).
- Vox quotes EconoFact executive editor Michael Klein on trade and tariffs.
- NBC cites EconoFact's memo on the skills gap (click here for the memo).
- Financial Times cites EconoFact's memo on stock buybacks (click here for the memo).
- Huffington Post cites EconoFact's memo on welfare and the federal budget (click here for the memo).
- Christian Science Monitor quotes EconoFact's Founder and co-executive editor Michael Klein on the U.S. economy. The article also cites EconoFact's memos on stock market volatility and the inversion of the yield curve.
- New York Daily News cites EconoFact's memo on whether immigrants are more likely to commit crimes (click here for the article).
- Financial Times cites EconoFact's memo on whether governments should tax sugary drinks (click here for the memo).
- Vox quotes EconoFact co-executive editor Michael Klein on tariffs and trade.
- The Fiscal Times feature on EconoFact “The Fight Against Fake Facts has a New Army of Unlikely Warriors”.
- Financial Times writer James Politi cites EconoFact as an important resource.
- PolicyCast by the Harvard Kennedy School interviewed EconoFact Co-Executive editor Michael Klein.
- PRI’s The World correspondent Jason Margolis discusses EconoFact.
The analysis and information provided by EconoFact informs policy influencers and journalists who are reporting on current events and critical issues. For example:
Kadee Russ and Lydia Cox on steel tariffs putting United States jobs at risk was cited in a range of outlets, including:
- NY Times - Upshot
- The Washington Post - Max Boot column, Glenn Kessler’s fact checking.
- Reuters - Steve Holland and Ginger Gibson article
- Marketplace - Interviews Kadee Russ
- Toronto Globe and Mail - Laura Dawson article
- Morningstar - Trade War with China
- The Federal Bank of New York - Steel Tariffs and Jobs
- The Guardian - Steel and aluminum tariffs trigger stock market sell-off
- PRI's The World - this segment (listen at 27:30) and this one
Tara Watson’s memo on whether undocumented immigrants overuse government benefits:
- CNN - piece by Stephen Moore
- Washington Post - Jared Bernstein column
- Politifact - Miriam Valverde article
Kimberly Clausing’s memo "How will the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Impact American Workers?"
- The PBS Newshour MakingSen$e - posted this memo
- Harvard Business School - cited in paper on Tax Cuts and Inequality
- TV Station KSTP (Minneapolis, MN) - refers to it in a broadcast segment
Jennifer Doleac’s memo “Are Immigrants More Likely to Commit Crimes?”
- Business Insider - article
- Congressman Keith Ellison (5th District, MN) - comments on Twitter.
- The City Attorney of San Francisco - in its press release announcing a lawsuit directed at the Trump administration's policy on sanctuary cities.
Menzie Chinn and Michael Klein on the link (or lack thereof) of trade deficits and economic growth was cited by:
- Project Syndicate - on 20th September 2018, and this was reproduced in The Guardian.
- Bloomberg - article by Noah Smith
- Washington Post - article that was reproduced by the Baltimore Post, and another mention in the Washington Post.
To contact with any questions or comments, please email [email protected].