
Severe Maternal Morbidity in the United States

By and ·March 20, 2023
Boston College

Health and Economic Effects of Reduced Access to Abortion (UPDATED)

By ·June 28, 2022
University of Kansas

The Impact of Roe v. Wade on American Fertility (UPDATED)

By ·June 27, 2022
Wellesley College

Do State-Level Policies Impact Maternal Mortality?

By and ·February 24, 2020
Boston College

Could Expanding Access to Contraception Improve Economic Outcomes?

By , and ·August 20, 2019
Texas A&M University and Vanderbilt University

Unintended Consequences of an International Abortion Policy

By ·February 15, 2017
Swarthmore College

The Importance of the Food Industry for Climate Change

By ·September 12, 2023
University of California, Santa Cruz

COVID-19 Impacts on Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition

By ·April 20, 2020
Tufts University

What is the Toll of Trade Wars on U.S. Agriculture?

By and ·January 15, 2020
Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Threats to U.S. Agriculture from U.S. Trade Policies (UPDATED)

By ·August 5, 2018
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Agricultural Implications of President Trump’s Policies

By ·March 20, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Antitrust in the Digital Age — Google, Amazon, and What Follows

By and ·November 12, 2020
Tufts University

Is Big Bad? Evolving Anti-trust Concerns in the U.S. (VIDEO)

By and ·November 8, 2019
Tufts University

Antitrust Policy in the Era of Technological Giants (VIDEO)

By and ·September 26, 2019
Tufts University

Big-Tech and the Resurgence of Antitrust

By and ·January 28, 2019
Tufts University

AT&T-Time Warner and New Thinking on Vertical Mergers

By and ·July 17, 2018
Tufts University

The Chilling Effect of Non-Compete Agreements

By and ·May 20, 2018
Boston University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

Could Increasing Market Power Among Firms be Hurting Workers’ Wages?

By ·April 22, 2018
University of Pennsylvania

Antitrust in the Information Age

By and ·November 21, 2017
Tufts University

Banks, Credit Crunches, and the Economy

By ·May 15, 2023
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Why Do Banks Fail?

By ·March 30, 2023
Brandeis University

Is the Rise in U.S. Corporate Debt Cause for Concern?

By ·September 8, 2019
Brandeis University

Is Financial Regulation Doing the Right Amount to Prevent Cascading Crises?

By ·April 12, 2018
Brandeis University

The Dodd–Frank Financial Reform

By ·September 8, 2017
Kennedy School, Harvard University

Is the Volcker Rule in the Cross Hairs?

By ·March 1, 2017
Brandeis University

Banks, Credit Crunches, and the Economy

By ·May 15, 2023
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Improving the Timing of Unemployment Insurance

By and ·May 13, 2021
Dartmouth College and Wellesley College

Fighting Hunger in the U.S.

By ·May 10, 2021
Northwestern University

How Weak is the Labor Market?

By and ·April 1, 2021
Boston College and Fletcher School, Tufts University

Why Did the Fed Change Its Framework? And Why Does It Matter?

By ·December 15, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School

The Lasting Scars From Graduating in a Recession

By and ·December 12, 2020
University of Rochester and University of California, Berkeley

The Role of Automatic Stabilizers in Fighting Recessions

By ·October 13, 2020
George Washington University

How do Economic Crises End?

By ·March 23, 2020
Wellesley College

Coronavirus and the Health of the U.S. Economy

By and ·March 12, 2020
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and EconoFact

Responsiveness of the Safety Net During Downturns: Lessons from the Great Recession

By ·October 28, 2019
University of California, Davis

Why Is Inflation so Low?

By ·October 8, 2019
Wellesley College

How Low Can We Go? Prospects for Negative Interest Rates

By ·September 17, 2019
Williams College

What Can the Employment Report Tell Us?

By and ·September 2, 2019
Harvard University and EconoFact

Fed Policy: Is it Time to Take Away the Punch Bowl? (UPDATE)

By ·July 30, 2019
Williams College

What Information Does the Yield Curve Yield? (UPDATED)

By ·December 6, 2018
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Is It Time to Go “All In” on Electric Vehicles?

By ·July 13, 2021
University of California, Davis

Can Taxes Improve our Health and our Planet?

By ·March 25, 2021

Can a Carbon Tax Cut Emissions Without Hurting the Poor?

By ·September 10, 2020
Tufts University

Would a Carbon Tax Hurt the Poor and the Middle Class? (VIDEO)

By and ·February 13, 2020
Tufts University

Carbon Taxes: What Can We Learn From International Experience?

By ·May 3, 2019
Tufts University

Higher Gasoline Taxes and Infrastructure: An Idea Whose Time has Come?

By ·April 7, 2018
Wellesley College

Carbon Taxes and U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness Concerns

By and ·April 11, 2017
Tufts University

New (Republican) Support for a Carbon Tax

By ·February 10, 2017
Tufts University

Poverty Among Hispanic Children in the U.S.

By and ·February 21, 2024
Duke University and Child Trends

The Pandemic Drop In Food Insecurity Among Families With Children

By ·October 13, 2022
Northwestern University

Economics of Infant Feeding in the U.S.

By and ·October 7, 2022
Duke University

How Do Low-Income Families Spend Their Money?

By , and ·November 15, 2021
Duke University and University of Texas at Austin

Child Poverty

By ·June 16, 2021

Child Poverty in the U.S.

By ·February 5, 2021
University of Maryland

Many Families With Children Experience a “Hidden” Source of Poverty

By , and ·January 20, 2021
Duke University

Responsiveness of the Safety Net During Downturns: Lessons from the Great Recession

By ·October 28, 2019
University of California, Davis

Can the U.S. Cut Child Poverty in Half in a Decade?

By , , and ·April 2, 2019
University of California, Irvine; Columbia University; University of California, Berkeley; and University of Wisconsin-Madison

What Explains China’s Economic Slowdown?

By ·November 8, 2023
University of Pennsylvania

What Aspects of the WTO is the Trump Administration Targeting for Reform?

By ·January 28, 2020
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Is China Weakening the Yuan to Fight U.S. Tariffs? (UPDATE)

By ·July 11, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Costs of Tariffs in the U.S.-China Trade War

By ·May 14, 2019
University of California, Davis

China’s Exchange Rate Policy (VIDEO)

By and ·May 6, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and The Brookings Institution

What is the Problem of Forced Technology Transfer in China?

By ·August 3, 2018
Carnegie Mellon University and Peterson Institute for International Economics

Can Both the United States and China Be Winners in a Global Technology Race?

By ·July 25, 2018
Rutgers University

U.S. Trade Policy: Going it Alone vs. Abiding by the World Trade Organization

By and ·June 15, 2018
Harvard University and The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

What Do We Learn from Bilateral Trade Deficits?

By and ·May 25, 2017
Harvard University and Fletcher School, Tufts University

Import Limits on Steel and Aluminum: Protecting National Security or Protectionism?

By ·May 9, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Is China a Non-Market Economy, and Why Does It Matter?

By ·April 12, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Is China a Currency Manipulator?

By ·January 20, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Can Trade Policy Help Combat Climate Change?

By and ·July 8, 2024
Boston College and Indiana University

The Need for Increasing Private Sector Funding of Climate Solutions

By ·November 30, 2023
University of California, Santa Cruz

The Importance of the Food Industry for Climate Change

By ·September 12, 2023
University of California, Santa Cruz

Are Americans Moving to Locations With Higher Climate Risk?

By , and ·March 8, 2023
Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, CUNY-Queens College and Penn State University

Rules, Regulations, and Social Benefits (UPDATED)

By ·July 22, 2022
Columbia University

Benefits and Costs of Requiring Companies To Disclose Climate Risks

By ·June 29, 2022
University of California, Santa Cruz

The Spike in Global Hunger

By ·June 16, 2022
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Hotter Temperaments: Prisons and Violence in a Warming World

By and ·November 10, 2021
University of Wisconsin-Madison and Cornell University

Is It Time to Go “All In” on Electric Vehicles?

By ·July 13, 2021
University of California, Davis

Impacts of Warming Temperatures on Education and Learning

By ·October 8, 2020
University of California, Los Angeles

Can a Carbon Tax Cut Emissions Without Hurting the Poor?

By ·September 10, 2020
Tufts University

The Effect of COVID-19 on CO2 Emissions

By ·August 18, 2020
University of California, Santa Cruz

What Are the Financial Risks From Climate Change?

By ·January 21, 2020
University of California, Santa Cruz

Development and Climate Change: International Dimensions of a Global Problem (VIDEO)

By and ·December 9, 2019
Tufts University

Carbon Taxes: What Can We Learn From International Experience?

By ·May 3, 2019
Tufts University

Global Temperature and Human Activity

By ·April 20, 2019
Harvard University

Flood Insurance in a World with Rising Seas

By , and ·October 15, 2018
Queens College, City University of New York

Learning from Hurricane Sandy? Rising Seas and Housing Values in New York

By and ·May 2, 2018
Queens College, City University of New York

Can U.S. and U.K. Forest Bioenergy Subsidies Have Adverse Climate Consequences?

By and ·August 15, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

How Much Did Native American Life Expectancy Drop During COVID-19?

By and ·January 31, 2023
Rochester Institute of Technology and Center for Indian Country Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Food Inflation in the U.S. and Abroad

By ·August 1, 2022
Harvard Business School

The Spike in Global Hunger

By ·June 16, 2022
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Pandemic Drop in Undergraduate Enrollment

By ·June 7, 2022
Carleton College

The Resilience of State and Local Government Budgets in the Pandemic

By ·March 29, 2022
University of California, San Diego

Essential and Frontline Workers in the COVID-19 Crisis (Updated)

By , and ·March 22, 2022
Cornell University, Montana State University, and DIW Berlin / Universität Hamburg

Why, and Where, are Housing Prices Rising?

By ·February 2, 2022
Tufts University

What Is Driving the Increase in Food Prices?

By ·November 12, 2021
Purdue University

Pandemic Shortages and Inflation: From Empty Shelves to Higher Prices

By and ·October 7, 2021
Harvard Business School and Bank of Canada

Improving the Timing of Unemployment Insurance

By and ·May 13, 2021
Dartmouth College and Wellesley College

Fighting Hunger in the U.S.

By ·May 10, 2021
Northwestern University

Impact of Disruptions to Schooling and Childcare During the Pandemic

By , , and ·May 6, 2021
Barnard College, Columbia University and Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University

How Have Colleges Fared During COVID-19?

By ·April 14, 2021
Carleton College

Crime in the Time of COVID

By ·March 30, 2021
University of Pennsylvania

COVID Symptom Screening at the Workplace

By , and ·March 7, 2021
Georgetown McCourt Public Policy, University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

COVID-19 and the Female Employment Crisis

By ·March 5, 2021

Tutoring to Combat COVID-19 Learning Loss

By ·January 5, 2021
J-PAL North America

COVID-19 and Medicaid: Can State Budgets Handle It?

By and ·December 17, 2020
Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health and Urban Institute

Who Does Not Have Enough to Eat in America?

By ·November 25, 2020
Northwestern University

The Role of Automatic Stabilizers in Fighting Recessions

By ·October 13, 2020
George Washington University

Did the CARES Act Help Counter Pandemic-Fueled Growth in Inequality?

By and ·October 1, 2020
York University and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Women’s Employment

By , , and ·August 27, 2020
University of California, San Diego, Northwestern University and University of Mannheim

The Effect of COVID-19 on CO2 Emissions

By ·August 18, 2020
University of California, Santa Cruz

Have Enhanced Unemployment Benefits Discouraged Work?

By ·August 11, 2020
University of Pennsylvania

The Importance of Childcare in Reopening the Economy

By , and ·July 29, 2020
Northeastern University

The Unequal Impact of COVID-19 on Children’s Economic Vulnerability

By , , , , and ·July 14, 2020
University of Minnesota and Cornell University

Using Mobile Money to Help the Poor in Developing Countries

By ·July 6, 2020
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Paradox of Medical Costs During the Pandemic

By and ·June 30, 2020
Harvard T.H. Chan School Of Public Health and Harvard Medical School and Willis Towers Watson

States Face Daunting Budget Gaps. What Can Be Done?

By , and ·June 25, 2020
Northeastern University, UMass Dartmouth, and Northeastern University

Coronavirus’ Disproportionate Economic Impacts on Immigrants

By , and ·June 17, 2020
University of Colorado Denver, University of California, Berkeley and Williams College

(How) Will We Pay Back the Federal Debt?

By and ·June 9, 2020
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and The University of California, Berkeley

Housing Markets and the COVID-19 Crisis

By ·June 5, 2020
Tufts University

Unequal Employment Impacts of COVID-19

By , , , , , and ·June 1, 2020
Indiana University, Ohio State University and University of Georgia

Disparities in Access to Health Care During a Pandemic

By and ·May 27, 2020
University of Colorado Denver and Vanderbilt University

Work-based Risks to Latino Workers and their Families From COVID-19

By and ·May 26, 2020
Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy

Incarceration and the COVID-19 Crisis

By , and ·May 20, 2020
Texas A&M University, New York University and University of Pennsylvania

COVID-19 Impact on Indigenous Peoples in the U.S.

By ·May 12, 2020
University of California, Los Angeles

Risks of Growing Debt vs. Fiscal Stringency in the COVID-19 Crisis

By and ·May 11, 2020
The Brookings Institution and EconoFact

Income Assistance for Low-Income Workers During the COVID-19 Crisis

By and ·May 7, 2020
Wellesley College and Northwestern University

Are Rich People Really Less Generous?

By ·May 5, 2020
Texas A&M University

Prioritizing Testing and Workplace Re-opening Under COVID-19

By , and ·April 29, 2020
Wayne State University and Wayne State School of Medicine

Labor Demand in the Time of COVID-19

By , and ·April 24, 2020
University of Rochester, McGill University and Stony Brook University

COVID-19 Impacts on Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition

By ·April 20, 2020
Tufts University

Tracking COVID-19 Symptoms and Impact in Real Time: A Survey-Based System

By ·April 17, 2020
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Economic Fallout from the COVID-19 Crisis on Developing Economies

By and ·April 14, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School, and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

How is the Coronavirus Crisis Affecting the Municipal Bond Market?

By ·April 8, 2020
Brandeis University

The Unemployed and Essential Low-Wage Workers After the CARES Act

By and ·April 6, 2020
Dartmouth College and Wellesley College

Lives vs. Livelihoods? Lessons from the Ebola Epidemic

By ·April 5, 2020
Swarthmore College

Snapshot of the COVID Crisis Impact on Working Families

By and ·March 30, 2020
Barnard College, Columbia University and Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University

Tracking the Pandemic’s Trajectory: COVID-19 Cases vs. Deaths in the U.S.

By ·March 26, 2020
University of Michigan

COVID-19 Social Insurance Payments to U.S. Households

By and ·March 26, 2020
University of Maryland

How do Economic Crises End?

By ·March 23, 2020
Wellesley College

Unemployment Insurance Fixes to Address the Coronavirus Fallout

By and ·March 22, 2020
Dartmouth College and Wellesley College

Challenges of Equitable Rapid Response Cash Payments

By ·March 20, 2020
Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy

Policy Responses to the Economic Consequences of Coronavirus

By and ·March 17, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School, and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Lessons From the 1918 Flu Pandemic

By and ·March 17, 2020
Wellesley College

What is the Fed Doing to Stabilize Financial Markets?

By ·March 15, 2020
Williams College

Coronavirus and the Health of the U.S. Economy

By and ·March 12, 2020
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and EconoFact

Does the Safety Net Help Prevent Family and Youth Violence?

By , , , and ·March 1, 2022
Emory University

Football, College Party Culture, and Sexual Assault

By , and ·July 19, 2018
Texas A&M University, University of Technology Sydney, and Montana State University

Can Employment-Focused Programs Reduce Reincarceration Rates?

By ·June 29, 2018
Texas A&M University

Access to Substance Abuse Treatment, Drug Overdose Deaths, and Crime

By , and ·March 16, 2018
Texas A&M University and Montana State University

Catch-22? Mass Shootings and Gun Control Legislation

By and ·December 14, 2017
Wellesley College

Do Police Body-Worn Cameras Reduce the Use of Force?

By ·November 17, 2017
University of Virginia

The Effects of ‘Ban the Box’ on the Employment of Black Men

By and ·June 9, 2017
Rutgers University and University of Virginia

The Economic Case for Sentencing Reform

By and ·May 19, 2017
University of Texas, Austin

Are Immigrants More Likely to Commit Crimes?

By ·February 14, 2017
Batten School, University of Virginia

Gun Violence in the U.S.

By and ·November 14, 2022
University of Michigan & NBER and Cornell University

Hotter Temperaments: Prisons and Violence in a Warming World

By and ·November 10, 2021
University of Wisconsin-Madison and Cornell University

What Drives Racial Differences in Speeding Tickets?

By and ·July 7, 2021
University of California, Los Angeles and Dartmouth College

Crime in the Time of COVID

By ·March 30, 2021
University of Pennsylvania

Lasting Effects of Exposure to School Shootings

By and ·February 10, 2021
Wellesley College

Wider Effects of Police Killings in Minority Neighborhoods

By ·June 24, 2020
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Economics Research on Racial Disparities in Policing

By and ·June 16, 2020
University of California, Los Angeles

Incarceration and the COVID-19 Crisis

By , and ·May 20, 2020
Texas A&M University, New York University and University of Pennsylvania

Does Deporting Immigrants Lower Crime? Evidence from Secure Communities

By and ·December 11, 2019
University of California, Davis

Sentencing Reform Update: The Economic Case for the “First Step Act”

By ·December 18, 2018
University of California, Los Angeles

Football, College Party Culture, and Sexual Assault

By , and ·July 19, 2018
Texas A&M University, University of Technology Sydney, and Montana State University

Can Employment-Focused Programs Reduce Reincarceration Rates?

By ·June 29, 2018
Texas A&M University

Access to Substance Abuse Treatment, Drug Overdose Deaths, and Crime

By , and ·March 16, 2018
Texas A&M University and Montana State University

Catch-22? Mass Shootings and Gun Control Legislation

By and ·December 14, 2017
Wellesley College

Do Police Body-Worn Cameras Reduce the Use of Force?

By ·November 17, 2017
University of Virginia

The Effects of ‘Ban the Box’ on the Employment of Black Men

By and ·June 9, 2017
Rutgers University and University of Virginia

The Economic Case for Sentencing Reform

By and ·May 19, 2017
University of Texas, Austin

Are Immigrants More Likely to Commit Crimes?

By ·February 14, 2017
Batten School, University of Virginia

The Cybersecurity Threat Ailing Healthcare

By ·April 3, 2024
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

How Secure Are U.S. Electronic Voting Systems?

By ·November 1, 2022
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

What the SolarWinds Breach Revealed About Our Cybersecurity Vulnerability

By ·January 10, 2021
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Election Infrastructure and the Market for Voting Technology

By and ·February 11, 2020
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and EconoFact

How Much Do Cybersecurity Breaches Really Cost and Why Does It Matter?

By ·December 1, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Rising Burden of U.S. Government Debt

By ·June 19, 2024
Brandeis University

Addressing Rising US Debt

By ·November 15, 2023
Harvard University

Why is the U.S. Debt Expected to Keep Growing?

By and ·June 12, 2023
The Fletcher School, Tufts University | University of California, Berkeley and the Peterson Institute for International Economics

Is Cutting the Safety Net an Effective Way to Reduce Government Spending?

By and ·May 24, 2023
University of Maryland, Aspen Economic Strategy Group, and Gusto

Staring Down the Debt Limit, Again

By and ·May 11, 2023
Brookings Institution and Tax Policy Center

Debt and Deficits

By ·March 22, 2023

Rising Costs of Financing U.S. Government Debt

By ·December 5, 2022
Brandeis University

States Face Daunting Budget Gaps. What Can Be Done?

By , and ·June 25, 2020
Northeastern University, UMass Dartmouth, and Northeastern University

(How) Will We Pay Back the Federal Debt?

By and ·June 9, 2020
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and The University of California, Berkeley

Risks of Growing Debt vs. Fiscal Stringency in the COVID-19 Crisis

By and ·May 11, 2020
The Brookings Institution and EconoFact

Government Budget Deficits and Economic Growth (UPDATE)

By ·February 1, 2020
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Is the Rise in U.S. Corporate Debt Cause for Concern?

By ·September 8, 2019
Brandeis University

What is Modern Monetary Theory?

By and ·June 7, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and Williams College

Are Growing Federal Budget Deficits and Debt Cause for Concern?

By ·February 13, 2019
Brookings Institution

The Burden of Public Pension Promises on State and Local Budgets

By and ·December 19, 2018
Brandeis University and Stanford University

No Free Lunches: The Hard Arithmetic of Economics

By ·September 28, 2018
Wellesley College

A Public Pension Time-Bomb?

By ·August 2, 2017
Brandeis University

Do Immigrants Cost Native-Born Taxpayers Money?

By and ·July 26, 2017
Cornell University and University of California at Berkeley

Welfare and the Federal Budget

By ·July 25, 2017
University of Maryland

Puerto Rico’s Debt Trap

By ·May 16, 2017
Brandeis University

Rules, Regulations, and Social Benefits (UPDATED)

By ·July 22, 2022
Columbia University

How Do Occupational Licensing Rules Affect the Health Care Sector?

By , and ·October 9, 2018
Emory University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

The Jones Act and the Cost of Shipping Between U.S. Ports

By and ·October 19, 2017
Brandeis University and Harvard University

Does Occupational Licensing Represent Excessive Regulation?

By ·April 20, 2017
Rutgers University

Will ‘Deconstructing the Administrative State’ Spur Economic Growth?

By ·March 14, 2017
Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago

Is Black Employment Catching Up with White Employment?

By and ·September 27, 2023
Economic Policy Institute and W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research

Can Discrimination Thrive in a Free Market?

By ·February 8, 2023
The Ohio State University

How Can We Know if There is Discrimination in Hiring?

By ·October 27, 2018
University of California, Irvine

Why do Women Continue to Make Less than Men?

By and ·September 22, 2017
Cornell University

How Should We Think About 2020 GDP Growth?

By and ·February 16, 2021
Fletcher School, Tufts University and George Washington University

Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth

By ·February 2, 2020
Oxford University

Government Budget Deficits and Economic Growth (UPDATE)

By ·February 1, 2020
Fletcher School, Tufts University

How Fast Did the Economy Grow Last Year?

By and ·March 5, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University and George Washington University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

What Explains Slow Productivity Growth in the United States? (VIDEO)

By and ·November 25, 2018
Harvard University and George Washington University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

Putting the Recent Swings in Stock Market Indexes into Context

By ·February 8, 2018
Brandeis University

Do Current GOP Tax Reform Proposals Resemble Reagan’s Tax Reforms?

By ·November 29, 2017
Kennedy School, Harvard University

Immigration and Economic Growth in the U.S., 2000-2015

By ·March 16, 2017
University of California, Davis

Can the U.S. Economy Sustain 3½ to 4 Percent Economic Growth?

By ·January 25, 2017
Wellesley College

Is the Trade Deficit a Drag on Growth?

By and ·January 20, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Fletcher School, Tufts University

What Different Measures of Inflation Tell Us

By ·August 3, 2022
Wellesley College

How Should We Think About 2020 GDP Growth?

By and ·February 16, 2021
Fletcher School, Tufts University and George Washington University

Why Does the Census Matter for State and Local Governments? (UPDATED)

By and ·August 31, 2020
McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University

Tracking COVID-19 Symptoms and Impact in Real Time: A Survey-Based System

By ·April 17, 2020
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Measuring How Well the Economy is Doing (VIDEO)

By and ·September 30, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University and Wellesley College

What Can the Employment Report Tell Us?

By and ·September 2, 2019
Harvard University and EconoFact

How Fast Did the Economy Grow Last Year?

By and ·March 5, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University and George Washington University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

What Explains Slow Productivity Growth in the United States? (VIDEO)

By and ·November 25, 2018
Harvard University and George Washington University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

What Does the Stock Market Tell us About Politics?

By and ·May 14, 2018
Boston University and Dartmouth College

Has the day of the Congressional Budget Office come and gone?

By ·June 12, 2017
Wellesley College

Are Economic Statistics Fake News?

By ·April 2, 2017
Wellesley College

How Much Does College Really Cost?

By ·June 11, 2024
Wellesley College

Standardized Testing and College Admissions

By ·April 30, 2024

Rising Strains in Childcare and Early Education

By ·March 7, 2024

Educational Benefits of Reducing Lead Exposure

By , , and ·March 5, 2023
Indiana University and Cornell University

Does Sorting Students by Ability Improve Learning or Increase Disparity?

By , , and ·October 3, 2022
University of California, San Diego, Columbia University, and Research Improving People’s Lives (RIPL)

The Pandemic Drop in Undergraduate Enrollment

By ·June 7, 2022
Carleton College

Are Women Reaching Parity with Men in STEM?

By ·April 15, 2022
Carleton College

The Case for Investing in Public Colleges

By ·June 3, 2021
Harvard University

Impact of Disruptions to Schooling and Childcare During the Pandemic

By , , and ·May 6, 2021
Barnard College, Columbia University and Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University

How Have Colleges Fared During COVID-19?

By ·April 14, 2021
Carleton College

Lasting Effects of Exposure to School Shootings

By and ·February 10, 2021
Wellesley College

Tutoring to Combat COVID-19 Learning Loss

By ·January 5, 2021
J-PAL North America

Impacts of Warming Temperatures on Education and Learning

By ·October 8, 2020
University of California, Los Angeles

International Students and U.S. Higher Education

By ·July 17, 2019
Carleton College

Does Career Technical Education Pay?

By , and ·May 31, 2019
University of California, Davis and Abt Associates

Breaking Barriers to College for High-Achieving, Low-Income Students

By ·March 17, 2019
University of Michigan

Demographic Changes Pose Challenges for Higher Education

By ·July 29, 2018
Carleton College

Teacher Pension Paradox: Rising Costs and Stagnant or Declining Benefits

By and ·May 17, 2018
University of Missouri

Going Away to College? School Distance as a Barrier to Higher Education

By ·March 22, 2018
University of Notre Dame

The University Endowment Income Tax: Who Will Pay it and Why Was it Implemented?

By ·January 25, 2018
Wellesley College

How Proposed Changes in State and Local Tax Deductions Matter for Public Schools

By ·November 9, 2017
McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University

The Case For Protecting Student Loan Borrowers

By ·July 17, 2017
University of Michigan

College Financial Aid: What You Don’t Know Can Cost You

By ·May 30, 2017
Wellesley College

The Diploma Gap: Growing Costs of an Unfinished College Education

By ·May 24, 2017
Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Graduate School of Education

Income Differences in Education: the Gap Within the Gap

By and ·April 20, 2017
Syracuse University and University of Michigan

School Vouchers: Promise and Pitfalls

By ·March 25, 2017
UCLA, Luskin School of Public Affairs

Education Funding: Tax Credits Cost the Federal Government Money

By ·March 21, 2017
McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University

Charter Schools: The Michigan Experience and the Limits on the Federal Role

By ·January 31, 2017
McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University


By ·February 1, 2024

Exchange Rates

By ·June 21, 2023

Debt and Deficits

By ·March 22, 2023

The Scourge of Hunger in the U.S. and the World

By and ·December 15, 2022


By and ·June 24, 2022

International Trade

By and ·February 9, 2022

Rising Inflation?

By ·September 21, 2021

Graduating in a Recession

By ·July 28, 2021

Child Poverty

By ·June 16, 2021

Immigration and Public Benefits

By ·May 5, 2021

Can Taxes Improve our Health and our Planet?

By ·March 25, 2021

Clearing the Air on the Costs of Pollution

By ·March 18, 2021

COVID-19 and the Female Employment Crisis

By ·March 5, 2021

Finance at a Time of Stress: Lessons for Investors and Regulators

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Stock Market Volatility and Risk

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Evaluating Stock Prices

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Understanding Stock Prices

By and ·July 6, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Is Black Employment Catching Up with White Employment?

By and ·September 27, 2023
Economic Policy Institute and W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research


By and ·June 24, 2022

Are Women Reaching Parity with Men in STEM?

By ·April 15, 2022
Carleton College

Essential and Frontline Workers in the COVID-19 Crisis (Updated)

By , and ·March 22, 2022
Cornell University, Montana State University, and DIW Berlin / Universität Hamburg

The Shrinking Share of Middle-Income Jobs

By ·March 14, 2022

Labor Shortages and the Immigration Shortfall

By and ·January 11, 2022
University of California, Davis

How Weak is the Labor Market?

By and ·April 1, 2021
Boston College and Fletcher School, Tufts University

What Is at Stake if Unions Wield Greater Clout?

By , and ·March 10, 2021
University of Minnesota, Brigham Young University, and University of Minnesota

COVID Symptom Screening at the Workplace

By , and ·March 7, 2021
Georgetown McCourt Public Policy, University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

The Lasting Scars From Graduating in a Recession

By and ·December 12, 2020
University of Rochester and University of California, Berkeley

Job Loss and the Safety Net

By and ·December 2, 2020
University of Colorado Denver and University of Connecticut

Layoffs, Divorce, and the Effect of Unemployment Insurance

By , and ·October 21, 2020
Texas A&M University, University of Oklahoma and Montana State University

Did the CARES Act Help Counter Pandemic-Fueled Growth in Inequality?

By and ·October 1, 2020
York University and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Women’s Employment

By , , and ·August 27, 2020
University of California, San Diego, Northwestern University and University of Mannheim

Have Enhanced Unemployment Benefits Discouraged Work?

By ·August 11, 2020
University of Pennsylvania

Unequal Employment Impacts of COVID-19

By , , , , , and ·June 1, 2020
Indiana University, Ohio State University and University of Georgia

Labor Demand in the Time of COVID-19

By , and ·April 24, 2020
University of Rochester, McGill University and Stony Brook University

The Role of Unions

By and ·November 3, 2019
University of Minnesota and Brigham Young University

What Can the Employment Report Tell Us?

By and ·September 2, 2019
Harvard University and EconoFact

What Explains the Wages of Undocumented Workers?

By and ·July 24, 2019
Queens College, City University of New York

Do Summer Youth Employment Programs Work?

By ·June 28, 2019
School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Northeastern University

Does Career Technical Education Pay?

By , and ·May 31, 2019
University of California, Davis and Abt Associates

Immigrant Earnings and Out-Migration from the United States

By ·May 8, 2019
University of California, Los Angeles

The Mexican Border and U.S. Trade: What Would Be the Impact of a Border Closure?

By and ·April 13, 2019
University of California, Davis and University of Minnesota

Is the Skills Gap Real? Changes in Employer Skill Requirements During the Great Recession

By ·March 8, 2019
School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Northeastern University

Concentrated Poverty and the Disconnect Between Jobs and Workers

By ·January 22, 2019
University of California, Irvine

Understanding Trends in U.S. Labor Force Participation (VIDEO)

By and ·December 3, 2018
Harvard University and George Washington University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

Who Benefits from a Higher Minimum Wage?

By ·November 27, 2018
Texas A&M University

Do Economists Agree on the Impact of Immigration? (VIDEO)

By ·November 2, 2018
Rutgers University

How Can We Know if There is Discrimination in Hiring?

By ·October 27, 2018
University of California, Irvine

How Do Occupational Licensing Rules Affect the Health Care Sector?

By , and ·October 9, 2018
Emory University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

Can Employment-Focused Programs Reduce Reincarceration Rates?

By ·June 29, 2018
Texas A&M University

The Chilling Effect of Non-Compete Agreements

By and ·May 20, 2018
Boston University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

Race and Ethnicity Within Widening Income Inequality in the United States

By ·May 10, 2018
University of California, Los Angeles

Could Increasing Market Power Among Firms be Hurting Workers’ Wages?

By ·April 22, 2018
University of Pennsylvania

Will Steel Tariffs put U.S. Jobs at Risk?

By and ·February 26, 2018
Harvard University and University of California, Davis

Automation and the Growing Importance of Social Skills in the Labor Market

By ·January 16, 2018
Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Graduate School of Education

Employment and Poverty

By ·January 7, 2018
UC Davis and Center for Poverty Research

What Happened To Women’s Rising Participation in the Workforce?

By , and ·December 6, 2017
University of Texas at Austin, The Brookings Institution and Northwestern University

Would Cutting Corporate Taxes Raise Workers’ Incomes?

By ·October 26, 2017
Reed College

Opioids and Early Death in America

By , and ·September 23, 2017
Dartmouth College

Why do Women Continue to Make Less than Men?

By and ·September 22, 2017
Cornell University

The Economic Cost of Repealing DACA

By ·September 11, 2017
University of California, Davis

The Geography of Need and the Proposed Foxconn Deal in Wisconsin

By ·August 28, 2017
Clark University

What Does the Seattle Experience Teach Us About Minimum Wages?

By and ·August 7, 2017
University of California, Berkeley and Northwestern University

Does Increased Access to Medicaid Stimulate Job Mobility?

By ·July 31, 2017
Georgetown University

Where Have All the (Male) Workers Gone?

By and ·July 10, 2017
University of Texas, Austin and Harvard Kennedy School

The Effects of ‘Ban the Box’ on the Employment of Black Men

By and ·June 9, 2017
Rutgers University and University of Virginia

The Success of the Earned Income Tax Credit

By ·May 8, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Do Minimum Wages Really Kill Jobs?

By and ·April 27, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Does Occupational Licensing Represent Excessive Regulation?

By ·April 20, 2017
Rutgers University

Are Economic Statistics Fake News?

By ·April 2, 2017
Wellesley College

Women and Paid Work: Is the U.S. Falling Behind?

By and ·March 2, 2017
Cornell University

Who Gains and Who Loses if We Turn Off the Immigrant Jobs Magnet?

By ·January 27, 2017
Williams College

Can the U.S. Economy Sustain 3½ to 4 Percent Economic Growth?

By ·January 25, 2017
Wellesley College

Should the United States Build a Wall on the Mexican Border to Reduce Unauthorized Immigration?

By ·January 24, 2017
Rutgers University

Will Manufacturing Jobs Come Back?

By ·January 20, 2017
Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Graduate School of Education

The Role of Energy Markets in the War in Ukraine (UPDATED)

By ·September 16, 2022
University of California, San Diego

Should We Suspend Gas Taxes to Counter High Oil Prices?

By ·March 31, 2022
Tufts University

Is It Time to Go “All In” on Electric Vehicles?

By ·July 13, 2021
University of California, Davis

Why are Coal and Nuclear Power in Trouble?

By ·August 27, 2018
Tufts University

Higher Gasoline Taxes and Infrastructure: An Idea Whose Time has Come?

By ·April 7, 2018
Wellesley College

New (Republican) Support for a Carbon Tax

By ·February 10, 2017
Tufts University

Will the Trump Energy Policy help Appalachia?

By ·January 26, 2017
Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago

Are Americans Moving to Locations With Higher Climate Risk?

By , and ·March 8, 2023
Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, CUNY-Queens College and Penn State University

The Role of Energy Markets in the War in Ukraine (UPDATED)

By ·September 16, 2022
University of California, San Diego

Hotter Temperaments: Prisons and Violence in a Warming World

By and ·November 10, 2021
University of Wisconsin-Madison and Cornell University

Pollution, the Flu Shot, and Hospitalizations

By , , and ·October 6, 2021
University of California, San Diego, Columbia University, Cornell University, and University of California, San Diego

Clearing the Air on the Costs of Pollution

By ·March 18, 2021

Impacts of Warming Temperatures on Education and Learning

By ·October 8, 2020
University of California, Los Angeles

Can a Carbon Tax Cut Emissions Without Hurting the Poor?

By ·September 10, 2020
Tufts University

The Effect of COVID-19 on CO2 Emissions

By ·August 18, 2020
University of California, Santa Cruz

Would a Carbon Tax Hurt the Poor and the Middle Class? (VIDEO)

By and ·February 13, 2020
Tufts University

What Are the Financial Risks From Climate Change?

By ·January 21, 2020
University of California, Santa Cruz

Development and Climate Change: International Dimensions of a Global Problem (VIDEO)

By and ·December 9, 2019
Tufts University

Clearing the Air on the Costs of Pollution

By ·October 18, 2019
Cornell University

The Carbon Tax (VIDEO)

By and ·September 19, 2019
Tufts University

Carbon Taxes: What Can We Learn From International Experience?

By ·May 3, 2019
Tufts University

Global Temperature and Human Activity

By ·April 20, 2019
Harvard University

Flood Insurance in a World with Rising Seas

By , and ·October 15, 2018
Queens College, City University of New York

Why are Coal and Nuclear Power in Trouble?

By ·August 27, 2018
Tufts University

Oil Prices: Is it Déjà vu All Over Again?

By ·June 3, 2018
Tufts University

Learning from Hurricane Sandy? Rising Seas and Housing Values in New York

By and ·May 2, 2018
Queens College, City University of New York

Can U.S. and U.K. Forest Bioenergy Subsidies Have Adverse Climate Consequences?

By and ·August 15, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Carbon Taxes and U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness Concerns

By and ·April 11, 2017
Tufts University

Will ‘Deconstructing the Administrative State’ Spur Economic Growth?

By ·March 14, 2017
Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago

New (Republican) Support for a Carbon Tax

By ·February 10, 2017
Tufts University

Will the Trump Energy Policy help Appalachia?

By ·January 26, 2017
Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago

Exchange Rates

By ·June 21, 2023

Global Repercussions of the Strong Dollar

By ·October 19, 2022
University of Michigan

The Strong Dollar and the War in Ukraine

By ·June 1, 2022
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Should the United States Try to Weaken the Dollar?

By and ·August 5, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and University of California, Berkeley

China’s Exchange Rate Policy (VIDEO)

By and ·May 6, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and The Brookings Institution

The Financial and Economic Crisis in Turkey

By ·August 22, 2018
University of Maryland

Are Global Imbalances a Source of Concern?

By ·September 29, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Decline in the Dollar

By and ·June 2, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University and George Washington University

Agricultural Implications of President Trump’s Policies

By ·March 20, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Who is Responsible for the Strong Dollar? And What can be Done?

By ·February 1, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Is China a Currency Manipulator?

By ·January 20, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Taming Inflation: No Pain No Gain?

By ·September 20, 2023
Williams College

When Should the Fed Stop Raising Interest Rates?

By ·April 5, 2023
Former EVP and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Can the Fed Taper Without a Market Tantrum?

By ·December 4, 2021
Harvard Kennedy School

Why Did the Fed Change Its Framework? And Why Does It Matter?

By ·December 15, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School

What is the Fed Doing to Stabilize Financial Markets?

By ·March 15, 2020
Williams College

What Are the Financial Risks From Climate Change?

By ·January 21, 2020
University of California, Santa Cruz

How Low Can We Go? Prospects for Negative Interest Rates

By ·September 17, 2019
Williams College

Fed Policy: Is it Time to Take Away the Punch Bowl? (UPDATE)

By ·July 30, 2019
Williams College

What’s the Problem with Low Inflation?

By ·August 6, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Leaning on The Fed

By ·April 13, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

FAFSA Simplification: How New Rules Will Change the Price of College

By ·April 18, 2023
Wellesley College

Going Away to College? School Distance as a Barrier to Higher Education

By ·March 22, 2018
University of Notre Dame

The University Endowment Income Tax: Who Will Pay it and Why Was it Implemented?

By ·January 25, 2018
Wellesley College

College Financial Aid: What You Don’t Know Can Cost You

By ·May 30, 2017
Wellesley College

The Need for Increasing Private Sector Funding of Climate Solutions

By ·November 30, 2023
University of California, Santa Cruz

Rising U.S. Interest Rates and Emerging Market Distress

By ·July 18, 2023
The World Bank

When Do Stocks and Bonds Move Together, and Why Does it Matter?

By , and ·May 30, 2023
Harvard University, Harvard Business School and Harris School of Public Policy of University of Chicago

Banks, Credit Crunches, and the Economy

By ·May 15, 2023
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Why Do Banks Fail?

By ·March 30, 2023
Brandeis University

Understanding and Measuring Uncertainty

By ·March 15, 2023
Stanford University

Are Cryptocurrencies the Future of Money?

By ·October 19, 2021
Cornell University

How is the Coronavirus Crisis Affecting the Municipal Bond Market?

By ·April 8, 2020
Brandeis University

What is the Fed Doing to Stabilize Financial Markets?

By ·March 15, 2020
Williams College

Coronavirus and the Health of the U.S. Economy

By and ·March 12, 2020
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and EconoFact

What Are the Financial Risks From Climate Change?

By ·January 21, 2020
University of California, Santa Cruz

Is the Rise in U.S. Corporate Debt Cause for Concern?

By ·September 8, 2019
Brandeis University

What Problems (If Any) Arise From Stock Buybacks?

By ·April 29, 2019
Brandeis University

What Information Does the Yield Curve Yield? (UPDATED)

By ·December 6, 2018
Fletcher School, Tufts University

What Does the Stock Market Tell us About Politics?

By and ·May 14, 2018
Boston University and Dartmouth College

Putting the Recent Swings in Stock Market Indexes into Context

By ·February 8, 2018
Brandeis University

Why Do Banks Fail?

By ·March 30, 2023
Brandeis University

Is Financial Regulation Doing the Right Amount to Prevent Cascading Crises?

By ·April 12, 2018
Brandeis University

The Dodd–Frank Financial Reform

By ·September 8, 2017
Kennedy School, Harvard University

Is the Volcker Rule in the Cross Hairs?

By ·March 1, 2017
Brandeis University

Consumer Financial Protection: In Need of Protection

By ·February 23, 2017
Harvard University

What is at Stake in the Battle over the Fiduciary Duty Rule?

By ·February 8, 2017
Brandeis University

Tip Off: The Problem with Exempting Tips from Taxes

By and ·September 20, 2024
Brookings Institution

U.S. Defense Spending in Historical and International Context

By ·May 14, 2024
The Brookings Institution

Addressing Rising US Debt

By ·November 15, 2023
Harvard University

Fiscal Policy, Disinflation, and the Safety Net

By , and ·November 2, 2023
International Monetary Fund

Can We Put a Stop to the Recurrent Threat of Government Shutdowns?

By ·October 2, 2023
Brookings Institution

Stadiums as Public Investments

By ·September 4, 2023
Smith College

Why is the U.S. Debt Expected to Keep Growing?

By and ·June 12, 2023
The Fletcher School, Tufts University | University of California, Berkeley and the Peterson Institute for International Economics

Is Cutting the Safety Net an Effective Way to Reduce Government Spending?

By and ·May 24, 2023
University of Maryland, Aspen Economic Strategy Group, and Gusto

Staring Down the Debt Limit, Again

By and ·May 11, 2023
Brookings Institution and Tax Policy Center

Debt and Deficits

By ·March 22, 2023

Rising Costs of Financing U.S. Government Debt

By ·December 5, 2022
Brandeis University

The Resilience of State and Local Government Budgets in the Pandemic

By ·March 29, 2022
University of California, San Diego

The Other 95%: Taxes on Pass-Through Businesses

By and ·April 22, 2021
Brookings Institution

States Face Daunting Budget Gaps. What Can Be Done?

By , and ·June 25, 2020
Northeastern University, UMass Dartmouth, and Northeastern University

(How) Will We Pay Back the Federal Debt?

By and ·June 9, 2020
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and The University of California, Berkeley

Risks of Growing Debt vs. Fiscal Stringency in the COVID-19 Crisis

By and ·May 11, 2020
The Brookings Institution and EconoFact

Government Budget Deficits and Economic Growth (UPDATE)

By ·February 1, 2020
Fletcher School, Tufts University

No Free Lunches: Budget Constraints in Public Policy (VIDEO)

By and ·November 18, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University, and Wellesley College

The Political Considerations in Fiscal Policy (VIDEO)

By and ·June 20, 2019
The Brookings Institution and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

What is Modern Monetary Theory?

By and ·June 7, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and Williams College

The Distributional Effects of Fiscal Policy (VIDEO)

By and ·April 28, 2019
The Brookings Institution and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Are Growing Federal Budget Deficits and Debt Cause for Concern?

By ·February 13, 2019
Brookings Institution

The Burden of Public Pension Promises on State and Local Budgets

By and ·December 19, 2018
Brandeis University and Stanford University

What Tools Does the U.S. Have to Combat the Next Recession? (VIDEO)

By and ·December 12, 2018
Harvard University and George Washington University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

Do Immigrants Cost Native-Born Taxpayers Money?

By and ·July 26, 2017
Cornell University and University of California at Berkeley

Welfare and the Federal Budget

By ·July 25, 2017
University of Maryland

The Scourge of Hunger in the U.S. and the World

By and ·December 15, 2022

The Pandemic Drop In Food Insecurity Among Families With Children

By ·October 13, 2022
Northwestern University

Who Does Not Have Enough to Eat in America?

By ·November 25, 2020
Northwestern University

Who Would Be Affected by Proposed Changes to SNAP?

By ·August 1, 2019
School of Education & Social Policy and Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University

SNAP Benefits and the Government Shutdown

By ·January 23, 2019
Williams College

Do Safety Net Programs Impact Food Security in the United States?

By ·May 26, 2017
Williams College

Can Discrimination Thrive in a Free Market?

By ·February 8, 2023
The Ohio State University

How Can We Know if There is Discrimination in Hiring?

By ·October 27, 2018
University of California, Irvine

What Happened To Women’s Rising Participation in the Workforce?

By , and ·December 6, 2017
University of Texas at Austin, The Brookings Institution and Northwestern University

Why do Women Continue to Make Less than Men?

By and ·September 22, 2017
Cornell University

Women and Paid Work: Is the U.S. Falling Behind?

By and ·March 2, 2017
Cornell University

What Explains China’s Economic Slowdown?

By ·November 8, 2023
University of Pennsylvania

How Economic Crises Spread Abroad

By and ·September 24, 2021
University of California, Santa Cruz and Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Politics of Manufacturing Decline

By , and ·July 30, 2019
University of California, San Diego, Harvard University, and Georgetown University

Globalization and its Consequences (VIDEO)

By and ·July 16, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and The University of California, Berkeley

The Rise of Economic Sanctions in U.S. Foreign Policy

By ·June 25, 2024
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

What Explains China’s Economic Slowdown?

By ·November 8, 2023
University of Pennsylvania

Can the IMF and World Bank Rise to Meet New Challenges?

By ·October 9, 2023

Can We Put a Stop to the Recurrent Threat of Government Shutdowns?

By ·October 2, 2023
Brookings Institution

Rules, Regulations, and Social Benefits (UPDATED)

By ·July 22, 2022
Columbia University

Enacting Lasting Policies in an Era of Gridlock

By ·April 27, 2021
Yale University

Why Does the Census Matter for State and Local Governments? (UPDATED)

By and ·August 31, 2020
McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University

Election Infrastructure and the Market for Voting Technology

By and ·February 11, 2020
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and EconoFact

Voting and Income

By ·February 7, 2019
University of California, Los Angeles

Has the day of the Congressional Budget Office come and gone?

By ·June 12, 2017
Wellesley College

Unintended Consequences: Lessons From an Anti-Fraud Reform

By ·June 1, 2017
Boston University

Leaning on The Fed

By ·April 13, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Council of Economic Advisers and the Role of Expert Economic Advice

By ·February 21, 2017
University of California, Davis

Business Success Versus Government Success

By ·February 7, 2017
Boston University

The Corrosion from Corruption

By ·February 2, 2017
Boston University

How Much Does College Really Cost?

By ·June 11, 2024
Wellesley College

FAFSA Simplification: How New Rules Will Change the Price of College

By ·April 18, 2023
Wellesley College

Who Wins With College Sports?

By ·January 22, 2023
Smith College

The Pandemic Drop in Undergraduate Enrollment

By ·June 7, 2022
Carleton College

How Have Colleges Fared During COVID-19?

By ·April 14, 2021
Carleton College

Is Taking on More Student Debt Bad for Students?

By , , , and ·November 10, 2020
Columbia University, Brigham Young University, U.S. Federal Reserve, and Vanderbilt University

International Students and U.S. Higher Education

By ·July 17, 2019
Carleton College

Breaking Barriers to College for High-Achieving, Low-Income Students

By ·March 17, 2019
University of Michigan

Demographic Changes Pose Challenges for Higher Education

By ·July 29, 2018
Carleton College

Football, College Party Culture, and Sexual Assault

By , and ·July 19, 2018
Texas A&M University, University of Technology Sydney, and Montana State University

Going Away to College? School Distance as a Barrier to Higher Education

By ·March 22, 2018
University of Notre Dame

The University Endowment Income Tax: Who Will Pay it and Why Was it Implemented?

By ·January 25, 2018
Wellesley College

The Case For Protecting Student Loan Borrowers

By ·July 17, 2017
University of Michigan

College Financial Aid: What You Don’t Know Can Cost You

By ·May 30, 2017
Wellesley College

The Diploma Gap: Growing Costs of an Unfinished College Education

By ·May 24, 2017
Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Graduate School of Education

Hitting Home: Housing Affordability in the U.S.

By , and ·March 14, 2024
State University of New York, Albany, Johns Hopkins, Home Economics

Can Moving to a Different Neighborhood Improve Life’s Chances?

By ·November 28, 2022
Harvard University

The Housing Shortage and the Policies to Address It

By ·July 5, 2022

Why, and Where, are Housing Prices Rising?

By ·February 2, 2022
Tufts University

The Growing Burden of Housing for Low-Income Renters

By and ·September 17, 2020
Tufts University

Housing Markets and the COVID-19 Crisis

By ·June 5, 2020
Tufts University

What Can Policy Do to Make Housing More Affordable? (VIDEO)

By and ·October 16, 2019
Tufts University

Is Homeownership a Good Way to Build Wealth? (VIDEO)

By and ·September 12, 2019
Tufts University

Do Low-Income Families Build Wealth Through Homeownership?

By and ·April 9, 2019
Tufts University

Flood Insurance in a World with Rising Seas

By , and ·October 15, 2018
Queens College, City University of New York

Are We Seeing a New Housing Bubble?

By ·June 27, 2018
Tufts University

Learning from Hurricane Sandy? Rising Seas and Housing Values in New York

By and ·May 2, 2018
Queens College, City University of New York

Immigrant Deportations: Trends and Impacts

By ·October 9, 2024
Brookings Institution

Immigrant Workers and Care for America’s Elderly (UPDATED)

By , and ·May 28, 2024
The Brookings Institution and Wellesley College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Williams College

Migration of Central American Minors to the United States

By and ·June 6, 2023
University of California, Davis

The Decline in U.S. Net Migration

By ·March 7, 2022
Williams College and the Brookings Institution

Labor Shortages and the Immigration Shortfall

By and ·January 11, 2022
University of California, Davis

Immigration and Public Benefits

By ·May 5, 2021

Immigrant Deportations During the Trump Administration

By ·March 25, 2021
Williams College

Coronavirus’ Disproportionate Economic Impacts on Immigrants

By , and ·June 17, 2020
University of Colorado Denver, University of California, Berkeley and Williams College

Will the Public Charge Rule Reduce Safety Net Expenditures? (UPDATE)

By ·January 27, 2020
Williams College

Secure Communities: Broad Impacts of Increased Immigration Enforcement

By ·January 13, 2020
University of Colorado Denver

Does Deporting Immigrants Lower Crime? Evidence from Secure Communities

By and ·December 11, 2019
University of California, Davis

What Explains the Wages of Undocumented Workers?

By and ·July 24, 2019
Queens College, City University of New York

Immigrants and Public Benefits (VIDEO)

By ·June 11, 2019

Immigrant Earnings and Out-Migration from the United States

By ·May 8, 2019
University of California, Los Angeles

Do Economists Agree on the Impact of Immigration? (VIDEO)

By ·November 2, 2018
Rutgers University

A Snapshot of the Undocumented Population in the United States (VIDEO)

By ·October 18, 2018
Williams College

Proposed Immigration Rules and the Safety Net

By ·April 3, 2018
Williams College

Weak Links in the Chain Migration Argument

By and ·February 14, 2018
Mintz Levin, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, PC and Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Economic Gains from Legalizing DREAMers

By ·January 23, 2018
Queens College, City University of New York

The Economic Cost of Repealing DACA

By ·September 11, 2017
University of California, Davis

Do Immigrants Cost Native-Born Taxpayers Money?

By and ·July 26, 2017
Cornell University and University of California at Berkeley

Should Immigrants be Admitted to the United States Based on Merit?

By ·June 28, 2017
Rutgers University

Do Undocumented Immigrants Overuse Government Benefits?

By ·March 28, 2017
Williams College

Agricultural Implications of President Trump’s Policies

By ·March 20, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Immigration and Economic Growth in the U.S., 2000-2015

By ·March 16, 2017
University of California, Davis

Reforming the H-1B Visa Program

By ·February 17, 2017
Rutgers University

Are Immigrants More Likely to Commit Crimes?

By ·February 14, 2017
Batten School, University of Virginia

Who Will Pay for the Wall?

By ·February 13, 2017
Robert M. LaFollette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Who Gains and Who Loses if We Turn Off the Immigrant Jobs Magnet?

By ·January 27, 2017
Williams College

Should the United States Build a Wall on the Mexican Border to Reduce Unauthorized Immigration?

By ·January 24, 2017
Rutgers University

Can Moving to a Different Neighborhood Improve Life’s Chances?

By ·November 28, 2022
Harvard University

Does Sorting Students by Ability Improve Learning or Increase Disparity?

By , , and ·October 3, 2022
University of California, San Diego, Columbia University, and Research Improving People’s Lives (RIPL)

The Shrinking Share of Middle-Income Jobs

By ·March 14, 2022

What Is at Stake if Unions Wield Greater Clout?

By , and ·March 10, 2021
University of Minnesota, Brigham Young University, and University of Minnesota

Many Families With Children Experience a “Hidden” Source of Poverty

By , and ·January 20, 2021
Duke University

Tutoring to Combat COVID-19 Learning Loss

By ·January 5, 2021
J-PAL North America

Why Did the Fed Change Its Framework? And Why Does It Matter?

By ·December 15, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School

Taxing the Rich (UPDATED)

By ·October 27, 2020
Reed College

How Does Wealth Beget Wealth? Evidence from Sweden

By , and ·August 4, 2020
Columbia University, University College, Dublin and Lund University

Growing Racial Wealth Disparities Among Families with Children

By and ·July 27, 2020
Northwestern University and Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University

The Unequal Impact of COVID-19 on Children’s Economic Vulnerability

By , , , , and ·July 14, 2020
University of Minnesota and Cornell University

Are Taxes (And Also Spending) Progressive?

By and ·November 11, 2019
The Brookings Institution and EconoFact

Is Homeownership a Good Way to Build Wealth? (VIDEO)

By and ·September 12, 2019
Tufts University

Widening Socioeconomic Differences in Children’s Family Structure

By ·June 17, 2019
University of Maryland

Do Low-Income Families Build Wealth Through Homeownership?

By and ·April 9, 2019
Tufts University

Breaking Barriers to College for High-Achieving, Low-Income Students

By ·March 17, 2019
University of Michigan

Voting and Income

By ·February 7, 2019
University of California, Los Angeles

Policy Implications from Rising Economic Inequality

By and ·November 13, 2018
Reed College and University of California, Berkeley

How will the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Impact American Workers?

By ·May 29, 2018
Reed College

Race and Ethnicity Within Widening Income Inequality in the United States

By ·May 10, 2018
University of California, Los Angeles

Could Increasing Market Power Among Firms be Hurting Workers’ Wages?

By ·April 22, 2018
University of Pennsylvania

Many American Households Are Still Struggling to Build Wealth

By ·October 7, 2017
Harvard University

Why do Women Continue to Make Less than Men?

By and ·September 22, 2017
Cornell University

Income Differences in Education: the Gap Within the Gap

By and ·April 20, 2017
Syracuse University and University of Michigan

How Do People’s Experiences of Inflation Differ?

By ·May 8, 2024
Harvard Business School

Inflation and Prices

By ·February 12, 2024
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Fiscal Policy, Disinflation, and the Safety Net

By , and ·November 2, 2023
International Monetary Fund

Taming Inflation: No Pain No Gain?

By ·September 20, 2023
Williams College

When Should the Fed Stop Raising Interest Rates?

By ·April 5, 2023
Former EVP and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

What Different Measures of Inflation Tell Us

By ·August 3, 2022
Wellesley College

Food Inflation in the U.S. and Abroad

By ·August 1, 2022
Harvard Business School

The Strong Dollar and the War in Ukraine

By ·June 1, 2022
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Thinking Can Make It So: The Important Role of Inflation Expectations

By ·January 18, 2022
Williams College

What Drives Rising Inflation? (Updated)

By ·December 11, 2021
Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs and Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin

What Is Driving the Increase in Food Prices?

By ·November 12, 2021
Purdue University

Pandemic Shortages and Inflation: From Empty Shelves to Higher Prices

By and ·October 7, 2021
Harvard Business School and Bank of Canada

Rising Inflation?

By ·September 21, 2021

Why Did the Fed Change Its Framework? And Why Does It Matter?

By ·December 15, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School

The Problems with Low Inflation (VIDEO)

By and ·December 18, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University, and Wellesley College

Why Is Inflation so Low?

By ·October 8, 2019
Wellesley College

The Capital Gains Tax and Inflation

By ·August 13, 2018
Brandeis University

What’s the Problem with Low Inflation?

By ·August 6, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Impacts of Lead Exposure on Health, Fertility, and Education

By ·October 25, 2021
University of Kansas

The Case for Investing in Public Colleges

By ·June 3, 2021
Harvard University

Higher Gasoline Taxes and Infrastructure: An Idea Whose Time has Come?

By ·April 7, 2018
Wellesley College

Tax Reform Threatens Infrastructure Investment

By ·December 26, 2017
Brandeis University

How Should We Pay for Our Infrastructure?

By ·May 3, 2017
Brandeis University

Can the IMF and World Bank Rise to Meet New Challenges?

By ·October 9, 2023

Rising U.S. Interest Rates and Emerging Market Distress

By ·July 18, 2023
The World Bank

The Spike in Global Hunger

By ·June 16, 2022
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Using Mobile Money to Help the Poor in Developing Countries

By ·July 6, 2020
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Economic Fallout from the COVID-19 Crisis on Developing Economies

By and ·April 14, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School, and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth

By ·February 2, 2020
Oxford University

Can Conditional Cash Transfers Break the Cycle of Poverty?

By ·September 24, 2018
Georgetown University

The Financial and Economic Crisis in Turkey

By ·August 22, 2018
University of Maryland

Unintended Consequences of an International Abortion Policy

By ·February 15, 2017
Swarthmore College

What the U.S. Gains From its Development Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa

By ·January 31, 2017
Swarthmore College

Can the IMF and World Bank Rise to Meet New Challenges?

By ·October 9, 2023

Rising U.S. Interest Rates and Emerging Market Distress

By ·July 18, 2023
The World Bank

How Economic Crises Spread Abroad

By and ·September 24, 2021
University of California, Santa Cruz and Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Relevance of the Global Economy to the U.S. (VIDEO)

By and ·May 19, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and The University of California, Berkeley

The Financial and Economic Crisis in Turkey

By ·August 22, 2018
University of Maryland

Oil Prices: Is it Déjà vu All Over Again?

By ·June 3, 2018
Tufts University

Are Global Imbalances a Source of Concern?

By ·September 29, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Decline in the Dollar

By and ·June 2, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University and George Washington University

Will Paul Ryan’s Tax Reform Set Off a Trade War?

By ·April 6, 2017
Carnegie Mellon University and Peterson Institute for International Economics

Is China a Currency Manipulator?

By ·January 20, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

What Determines Countries’ Olympic Success?

By ·July 17, 2024
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Rising Strains in Childcare and Early Education

By ·March 7, 2024

The Importance of Childcare in Reopening the Economy

By , and ·July 29, 2020
Northeastern University

The Economic Gains from Legalizing DREAMers

By ·January 23, 2018
Queens College, City University of New York

What Happened To Women’s Rising Participation in the Workforce?

By , and ·December 6, 2017
University of Texas at Austin, The Brookings Institution and Northwestern University

Tip Off: The Problem with Exempting Tips from Taxes

By and ·September 20, 2024
Brookings Institution

Rising Strains in Childcare and Early Education

By ·March 7, 2024

Occupational Hazard? Birth Outcomes Among Physician Mothers

By and ·January 30, 2024
University of Kansas

Is Black Employment Catching Up with White Employment?

By and ·September 27, 2023
Economic Policy Institute and W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research

Who Wins With College Sports?

By ·January 22, 2023
Smith College


By and ·June 24, 2022

Graduating in a Recession

By ·July 28, 2021

The Case for Investing in Public Colleges

By ·June 3, 2021
Harvard University

How Weak is the Labor Market?

By and ·April 1, 2021
Boston College and Fletcher School, Tufts University

Work-based Risks to Latino Workers and their Families From COVID-19

By and ·May 26, 2020
Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy

Snapshot of the COVID Crisis Impact on Working Families

By and ·March 30, 2020
Barnard College, Columbia University and Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University

Secure Communities: Broad Impacts of Increased Immigration Enforcement

By ·January 13, 2020
University of Colorado Denver

Is the Skills Gap Real? Changes in Employer Skill Requirements During the Great Recession

By ·March 8, 2019
School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Northeastern University

Inflation and Prices

By ·February 12, 2024
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Lessons for Investors and Regulators

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Stock Market Volatility and Risk

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Evaluating Stock Prices

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Understanding Stock Prices

By and ·July 6, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Understanding and Measuring Uncertainty

By ·March 15, 2023
Stanford University

The Role of Automatic Stabilizers in Fighting Recessions

By ·October 13, 2020
George Washington University

Prioritizing Testing and Workplace Re-opening Under COVID-19

By , and ·April 29, 2020
Wayne State University and Wayne State School of Medicine

Steel Tariffs and U.S. Jobs Revisited

By and ·February 6, 2020
Harvard University and University of California, Davis

The Role of Unions

By and ·November 3, 2019
University of Minnesota and Brigham Young University

Should the United States Try to Weaken the Dollar?

By and ·August 5, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and University of California, Berkeley

The Politics of Manufacturing Decline

By , and ·July 30, 2019
University of California, San Diego, Harvard University, and Georgetown University

How Much of your Car is Made in Mexico?

By ·June 20, 2018
Harvard University

What is the National Security Rationale for Steel, Aluminum and Automobile Protection?

By ·June 6, 2018
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Will Steel Tariffs put U.S. Jobs at Risk?

By and ·February 26, 2018
Harvard University and University of California, Davis

Do Place-Based Policies Work?

By ·November 28, 2017
University of California, Irvine

The Geography of Need and the Proposed Foxconn Deal in Wisconsin

By ·August 28, 2017
Clark University

Will the Trump Energy Policy help Appalachia?

By ·January 26, 2017
Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago

Is China a Currency Manipulator?

By ·January 20, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Will Manufacturing Jobs Come Back?

By ·January 20, 2017
Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Graduate School of Education

The State of Health Insurance in America

By ·September 30, 2024
Harvard Kennedy School

Impact of Medicaid Expansion on State Budgets and Mortality

By ·July 21, 2021
University of Kansas

COVID-19 and Medicaid: Can State Budgets Handle It?

By and ·December 17, 2020
Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health and Urban Institute

How Large a Burden are Administrative Costs in Health Care?

By and ·September 6, 2018
University of British Columbia and Harvard University

Medicaid and CHIP: Filling in the Gap of Children’s Health Insurance Coverage

By ·January 22, 2018
Williams College

Does Increased Access to Medicaid Stimulate Job Mobility?

By ·July 31, 2017
Georgetown University

Evidence on the Value of Medicaid

By and ·July 2, 2017
University of British Columbia and Harvard University

Medicaid and Block Grants: Lessons from Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

By and ·February 24, 2017
UC Davis Department of Economics and Center for Poverty Research

What Are The Broader Impacts of the Minimum Wage?

By ·January 7, 2019
Texas A&M University

Who Benefits from a Higher Minimum Wage?

By ·November 27, 2018
Texas A&M University

What Does the Seattle Experience Teach Us About Minimum Wages?

By and ·August 7, 2017
University of California, Berkeley and Northwestern University

Do Minimum Wages Really Kill Jobs?

By and ·April 27, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Taming Inflation: No Pain No Gain?

By ·September 20, 2023
Williams College

When Should the Fed Stop Raising Interest Rates?

By ·April 5, 2023
Former EVP and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

What Drives Rising Inflation? (Updated)

By ·December 11, 2021
Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs and Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin

Can the Fed Taper Without a Market Tantrum?

By ·December 4, 2021
Harvard Kennedy School

Pandemic Shortages and Inflation: From Empty Shelves to Higher Prices

By and ·October 7, 2021
Harvard Business School and Bank of Canada

Why Did the Fed Change Its Framework? And Why Does It Matter?

By ·December 15, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School

Policy Responses to the Economic Consequences of Coronavirus

By and ·March 17, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School, and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

What is the Fed Doing to Stabilize Financial Markets?

By ·March 15, 2020
Williams College

The Problems with Low Inflation (VIDEO)

By and ·December 18, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University, and Wellesley College

Understanding the Low Inflation and Low Unemployment in Today’s Economy (VIDEO)

By and ·October 21, 2019
Harvard Kennedy School, and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Why Is Inflation so Low?

By ·October 8, 2019
Wellesley College

How Low Can We Go? Prospects for Negative Interest Rates

By ·September 17, 2019
Williams College

Fed Policy: Is it Time to Take Away the Punch Bowl? (UPDATE)

By ·July 30, 2019
Williams College

What is Modern Monetary Theory?

By and ·June 7, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and Williams College

What Tools Does the U.S. Have to Combat the Next Recession? (VIDEO)

By and ·December 12, 2018
Harvard University and George Washington University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

What Information Does the Yield Curve Yield? (UPDATED)

By ·December 6, 2018
Fletcher School, Tufts University

What’s the Problem with Low Inflation?

By ·August 6, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Decline in the Dollar

By and ·June 2, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University and George Washington University

Leaning on The Fed

By ·April 13, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Health and Economic Effects of Reduced Access to Abortion (UPDATED)

By ·June 28, 2022
University of Kansas

The Impact of Roe v. Wade on American Fertility (UPDATED)

By ·June 27, 2022
Wellesley College

The Mystery of the Declining U.S. Birth Rate

By , and ·February 15, 2022
University of Maryland and Wellesley College

Could Expanding Access to Contraception Improve Economic Outcomes?

By , and ·August 20, 2019
Texas A&M University and Vanderbilt University

Work and Poverty

By and ·November 13, 2023
Terner Center for Housing Innovation, University of California, Berkeley and University of California, Davis

The Financial and Psychological Costs of Income Volatility

By and ·October 18, 2023
Duke University and Georgetown University

Can Moving to a Different Neighborhood Improve Life’s Chances?

By ·November 28, 2022
Harvard University

Does the Safety Net Help Prevent Family and Youth Violence?

By , , , and ·March 1, 2022
Emory University

How Do Low-Income Families Spend Their Money?

By , and ·November 15, 2021
Duke University and University of Texas at Austin

Child Poverty

By ·June 16, 2021

Child Poverty in the U.S.

By ·February 5, 2021
University of Maryland

Many Families With Children Experience a “Hidden” Source of Poverty

By , and ·January 20, 2021
Duke University

Who Does Not Have Enough to Eat in America?

By ·November 25, 2020
Northwestern University

The Growing Burden of Housing for Low-Income Renters

By and ·September 17, 2020
Tufts University

Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth

By ·February 2, 2020
Oxford University

A Nobel Way to Fight Poverty in the United States

By ·December 3, 2019
J-PAL North America

Responsiveness of the Safety Net During Downturns: Lessons from the Great Recession

By ·October 28, 2019
University of California, Davis

Can the U.S. Cut Child Poverty in Half in a Decade?

By , , and ·April 2, 2019
University of California, Irvine; Columbia University; University of California, Berkeley; and University of Wisconsin-Madison

Concentrated Poverty and the Disconnect Between Jobs and Workers

By ·January 22, 2019
University of California, Irvine

Can Conditional Cash Transfers Break the Cycle of Poverty?

By ·September 24, 2018
Georgetown University

Employment and Poverty

By ·January 7, 2018
UC Davis and Center for Poverty Research

Do Place-Based Policies Work?

By ·November 28, 2017
University of California, Irvine

SNAP: Nutrition Aid Can Provide Long-Term Benefits

By ·November 12, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

The Success of the Earned Income Tax Credit

By ·May 8, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Income Differences in Education: the Gap Within the Gap

By and ·April 20, 2017
Syracuse University and University of Michigan

Medicaid and Block Grants: Lessons from Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

By and ·February 24, 2017
UC Davis Department of Economics and Center for Poverty Research

What Explains Slow Productivity Growth in the United States? (VIDEO)

By and ·November 25, 2018
Harvard University and George Washington University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

Can Both the United States and China Be Winners in a Global Technology Race?

By ·July 25, 2018
Rutgers University

Should Immigrants be Admitted to the United States Based on Merit?

By ·June 28, 2017
Rutgers University

The Productivity Slowdown is Even More Puzzling than You Think …

By ·May 17, 2017
Wellesley College

Immigration and Economic Growth in the U.S., 2000-2015

By ·March 16, 2017
University of California, Davis

Can the U.S. Economy Sustain 3½ to 4 Percent Economic Growth?

By ·January 25, 2017
Wellesley College

The State of Health Insurance in America

By ·September 30, 2024
Harvard Kennedy School

The Cybersecurity Threat Ailing Healthcare

By ·April 3, 2024
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Occupational Hazard? Birth Outcomes Among Physician Mothers

By and ·January 30, 2024
University of Kansas

How Effective Were Pandemic Lockdowns ?

By ·January 22, 2024
Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School

Containing Prescription Costs in Medicare

By and ·December 17, 2023
Northwestern University

Severe Maternal Morbidity in the United States

By and ·March 20, 2023
Boston College

Educational Benefits of Reducing Lead Exposure

By , , and ·March 5, 2023
Indiana University and Cornell University

How Much Did Native American Life Expectancy Drop During COVID-19?

By and ·January 31, 2023
Rochester Institute of Technology and Center for Indian Country Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Economics of Infant Feeding in the U.S.

By and ·October 7, 2022
Duke University

Health and Economic Effects of Reduced Access to Abortion (UPDATED)

By ·June 28, 2022
University of Kansas

The Impact of Roe v. Wade on American Fertility (UPDATED)

By ·June 27, 2022
Wellesley College

How Opioid Overdoses Reached Crisis Levels

By ·November 19, 2021
Northeastern University

Impacts of Lead Exposure on Health, Fertility, and Education

By ·October 25, 2021
University of Kansas

Pollution, the Flu Shot, and Hospitalizations

By , , and ·October 6, 2021
University of California, San Diego, Columbia University, Cornell University, and University of California, San Diego

Impact of Medicaid Expansion on State Budgets and Mortality

By ·July 21, 2021
University of Kansas

Lasting Effects of Exposure to School Shootings

By and ·February 10, 2021
Wellesley College

The Paradox of Medical Costs During the Pandemic

By and ·June 30, 2020
Harvard T.H. Chan School Of Public Health and Harvard Medical School and Willis Towers Watson

Disparities in Access to Health Care During a Pandemic

By and ·May 27, 2020
University of Colorado Denver and Vanderbilt University

COVID-19 Impact on Indigenous Peoples in the U.S.

By ·May 12, 2020
University of California, Los Angeles

Lives vs. Livelihoods? Lessons from the Ebola Epidemic

By ·April 5, 2020
Swarthmore College

Policy Responses to the Economic Consequences of Coronavirus

By and ·March 17, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School, and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Lessons From the 1918 Flu Pandemic

By and ·March 17, 2020
Wellesley College

Do State-Level Policies Impact Maternal Mortality?

By and ·February 24, 2020
Boston College

Clearing the Air on the Costs of Pollution

By ·October 18, 2019
Cornell University

Could Expanding Access to Contraception Improve Economic Outcomes?

By , and ·August 20, 2019
Texas A&M University and Vanderbilt University

Widening Socioeconomic Differences in Children’s Family Structure

By ·June 17, 2019
University of Maryland

Health Insurance Without the Individual Mandate: Can a Three-legged Stool Stand on Two Legs?

By and ·November 7, 2018
Indiana University

How Do Occupational Licensing Rules Affect the Health Care Sector?

By , and ·October 9, 2018
Emory University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

How Large a Burden are Administrative Costs in Health Care?

By and ·September 6, 2018
University of British Columbia and Harvard University

Football, College Party Culture, and Sexual Assault

By , and ·July 19, 2018
Texas A&M University, University of Technology Sydney, and Montana State University

Access to Substance Abuse Treatment, Drug Overdose Deaths, and Crime

By , and ·March 16, 2018
Texas A&M University and Montana State University

Could Drug Ads Have Positive Side Effects?

By and ·February 20, 2018
Yale University and Northwestern University

Medicaid and CHIP: Filling in the Gap of Children’s Health Insurance Coverage

By ·January 22, 2018
Williams College

SNAP: Nutrition Aid Can Provide Long-Term Benefits

By ·November 12, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Opioids and Early Death in America

By , and ·September 23, 2017
Dartmouth College

Does Increased Access to Medicaid Stimulate Job Mobility?

By ·July 31, 2017
Georgetown University

Evidence on the Value of Medicaid

By and ·July 2, 2017
University of British Columbia and Harvard University

Health Care: The Role of the Individual Mandate and Insurance Subsidies

By ·March 9, 2017
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Medicaid and Block Grants: Lessons from Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

By and ·February 24, 2017
UC Davis Department of Economics and Center for Poverty Research

Unintended Consequences of an International Abortion Policy

By ·February 15, 2017
Swarthmore College

Racial Differences in Unemployment Insurance

By and ·April 11, 2023
Barnard College and Duke University

Can Discrimination Thrive in a Free Market?

By ·February 8, 2023
The Ohio State University

What Drives Racial Differences in Speeding Tickets?

By and ·July 7, 2021
University of California, Los Angeles and Dartmouth College

Wider Effects of Police Killings in Minority Neighborhoods

By ·June 24, 2020
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Economics Research on Racial Disparities in Policing

By and ·June 16, 2020
University of California, Los Angeles

How Can We Know if There is Discrimination in Hiring?

By ·October 27, 2018
University of California, Irvine

Race and Ethnicity Within Widening Income Inequality in the United States

By ·May 10, 2018
University of California, Los Angeles

The Effects of ‘Ban the Box’ on the Employment of Black Men

By and ·June 9, 2017
Rutgers University and University of Virginia

Flood Insurance in a World with Rising Seas

By , and ·October 15, 2018
Queens College, City University of New York

Learning from Hurricane Sandy? Rising Seas and Housing Values in New York

By and ·May 2, 2018
Queens College, City University of New York

Do Place-Based Policies Work?

By ·November 28, 2017
University of California, Irvine

The Geography of Need and the Proposed Foxconn Deal in Wisconsin

By ·August 28, 2017
Clark University

The Burden of Public Pension Promises on State and Local Budgets

By and ·December 19, 2018
Brandeis University and Stanford University

Will Social Security be There for You?

By ·June 12, 2018
Harvard University

Teacher Pension Paradox: Rising Costs and Stagnant or Declining Benefits

By and ·May 17, 2018
University of Missouri

Many American Households Are Still Struggling to Build Wealth

By ·October 7, 2017
Harvard University

A Public Pension Time-Bomb?

By ·August 2, 2017
Brandeis University

Social Security Benefits: When Do You Plan to Retire?

By ·February 9, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

The Role of Energy Markets in the War in Ukraine (UPDATED)

By ·September 16, 2022
University of California, San Diego

Food Inflation in the U.S. and Abroad

By ·August 1, 2022
Harvard Business School

The Spike in Global Hunger

By ·June 16, 2022
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Strong Dollar and the War in Ukraine

By ·June 1, 2022
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Should We Suspend Gas Taxes to Counter High Oil Prices?

By ·March 31, 2022
Tufts University

How Sanction-Proof is the Russian Economy?

By ·March 17, 2022
Fletcher School, Tufts University

SWIFT Sanction on Russia: How It Works and Likely Impacts

By ·March 4, 2022
Johns Hopkins Carey Business School

How Do Low-Income Families Spend Their Money?

By , and ·November 15, 2021
Duke University and University of Texas at Austin

Child Poverty in the U.S.

By ·February 5, 2021
University of Maryland

Job Loss and the Safety Net

By and ·December 2, 2020
University of Colorado Denver and University of Connecticut

Who Does Not Have Enough to Eat in America?

By ·November 25, 2020
Northwestern University

Work-based Risks to Latino Workers and their Families From COVID-19

By and ·May 26, 2020
Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy

Income Assistance for Low-Income Workers During the COVID-19 Crisis

By and ·May 7, 2020
Wellesley College and Northwestern University

COVID-19 Impacts on Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition

By ·April 20, 2020
Tufts University

COVID-19 Social Insurance Payments to U.S. Households

By and ·March 26, 2020
University of Maryland

Challenges of Equitable Rapid Response Cash Payments

By ·March 20, 2020
Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy

Policy Responses to the Economic Consequences of Coronavirus

By and ·March 17, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School, and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Will the Public Charge Rule Reduce Safety Net Expenditures? (UPDATE)

By ·January 27, 2020
Williams College

Responsiveness of the Safety Net During Downturns: Lessons from the Great Recession

By ·October 28, 2019
University of California, Davis

Who Would Be Affected by Proposed Changes to SNAP?

By ·August 1, 2019
School of Education & Social Policy and Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University

Can the U.S. Cut Child Poverty in Half in a Decade?

By , , and ·April 2, 2019
University of California, Irvine; Columbia University; University of California, Berkeley; and University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Potential of State Earned Income Tax Credits

By and ·March 14, 2019
Emory University

SNAP Benefits and the Government Shutdown

By ·January 23, 2019
Williams College

What Are The Broader Impacts of the Minimum Wage?

By ·January 7, 2019
Texas A&M University

Policy Implications from Rising Economic Inequality

By and ·November 13, 2018
Reed College and University of California, Berkeley

Weighing the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Universal Basic Income (VIDEO)

By and ·November 9, 2018
Reed College and University of California, Berkeley

Can Conditional Cash Transfers Break the Cycle of Poverty?

By ·September 24, 2018
Georgetown University

Will Social Security be There for You?

By ·June 12, 2018
Harvard University

Proposed Immigration Rules and the Safety Net

By ·April 3, 2018
Williams College

Medicaid and CHIP: Filling in the Gap of Children’s Health Insurance Coverage

By ·January 22, 2018
Williams College

Employment and Poverty

By ·January 7, 2018
UC Davis and Center for Poverty Research

SNAP: Nutrition Aid Can Provide Long-Term Benefits

By ·November 12, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Welfare and the Federal Budget

By ·July 25, 2017
University of Maryland

Evidence on the Value of Medicaid

By and ·July 2, 2017
University of British Columbia and Harvard University

SNAP: A Temporary, Fraud-Resistant, Family Friendly Policy

By ·June 28, 2017
Tufts University

Unintended Consequences: Lessons From an Anti-Fraud Reform

By ·June 1, 2017
Boston University

Do Safety Net Programs Impact Food Security in the United States?

By ·May 26, 2017
Williams College

The Success of the Earned Income Tax Credit

By ·May 8, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Anti-Poverty Program at Stake in Battle Over 2018 Farm Bill

By ·April 17, 2017
Friedman School of Nutrition & Department of Economics, Tufts University

Do Undocumented Immigrants Overuse Government Benefits?

By ·March 28, 2017
Williams College

Medicaid and Block Grants: Lessons from Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

By and ·February 24, 2017
UC Davis Department of Economics and Center for Poverty Research

Social Security Benefits: When Do You Plan to Retire?

By ·February 9, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Fighting Hunger in the U.S.

By ·May 10, 2021
Northwestern University

Who Would Be Affected by Proposed Changes to SNAP?

By ·August 1, 2019
School of Education & Social Policy and Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University

SNAP: Nutrition Aid Can Provide Long-Term Benefits

By ·November 12, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

SNAP: A Temporary, Fraud-Resistant, Family Friendly Policy

By ·June 28, 2017
Tufts University

Anti-Poverty Program at Stake in Battle Over 2018 Farm Bill

By ·April 17, 2017
Friedman School of Nutrition & Department of Economics, Tufts University

Poverty Among Hispanic Children in the U.S.

By and ·February 21, 2024
Duke University and Child Trends

Work and Poverty

By and ·November 13, 2023
Terner Center for Housing Innovation, University of California, Berkeley and University of California, Davis

Is Cutting the Safety Net an Effective Way to Reduce Government Spending?

By and ·May 24, 2023
University of Maryland, Aspen Economic Strategy Group, and Gusto

The Pandemic Drop In Food Insecurity Among Families With Children

By ·October 13, 2022
Northwestern University

Does the Safety Net Help Prevent Family and Youth Violence?

By , , , and ·March 1, 2022
Emory University

Fighting Hunger in the U.S.

By ·May 10, 2021
Northwestern University

Income Assistance for Low-Income Workers During the COVID-19 Crisis

By and ·May 7, 2020
Wellesley College and Northwestern University

COVID-19 Social Insurance Payments to U.S. Households

By and ·March 26, 2020
University of Maryland

Challenges of Equitable Rapid Response Cash Payments

By ·March 20, 2020
Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy

Policy Responses to the Economic Consequences of Coronavirus

By and ·March 17, 2020
Harvard Kennedy School, and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Will the Public Charge Rule Reduce Safety Net Expenditures? (UPDATE)

By ·January 27, 2020
Williams College

Responsiveness of the Safety Net During Downturns: Lessons from the Great Recession

By ·October 28, 2019
University of California, Davis

Who Would Be Affected by Proposed Changes to SNAP?

By ·August 1, 2019
School of Education & Social Policy and Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University

Can the U.S. Cut Child Poverty in Half in a Decade?

By , , and ·April 2, 2019
University of California, Irvine; Columbia University; University of California, Berkeley; and University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Potential of State Earned Income Tax Credits

By and ·March 14, 2019
Emory University

SNAP Benefits and the Government Shutdown

By ·January 23, 2019
Williams College

What Are The Broader Impacts of the Minimum Wage?

By ·January 7, 2019
Texas A&M University

Policy Implications from Rising Economic Inequality

By and ·November 13, 2018
Reed College and University of California, Berkeley

Weighing the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Universal Basic Income (VIDEO)

By and ·November 9, 2018
Reed College and University of California, Berkeley

Can Conditional Cash Transfers Break the Cycle of Poverty?

By ·September 24, 2018
Georgetown University

Will Social Security be There for You?

By ·June 12, 2018
Harvard University

Proposed Immigration Rules and the Safety Net

By ·April 3, 2018
Williams College

Medicaid and CHIP: Filling in the Gap of Children’s Health Insurance Coverage

By ·January 22, 2018
Williams College

Employment and Poverty

By ·January 7, 2018
UC Davis and Center for Poverty Research

SNAP: Nutrition Aid Can Provide Long-Term Benefits

By ·November 12, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Welfare and the Federal Budget

By ·July 25, 2017
University of Maryland

Evidence on the Value of Medicaid

By and ·July 2, 2017
University of British Columbia and Harvard University

SNAP: A Temporary, Fraud-Resistant, Family Friendly Policy

By ·June 28, 2017
Tufts University

Unintended Consequences: Lessons From an Anti-Fraud Reform

By ·June 1, 2017
Boston University

Do Safety Net Programs Impact Food Security in the United States?

By ·May 26, 2017
Williams College

The Success of the Earned Income Tax Credit

By ·May 8, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Anti-Poverty Program at Stake in Battle Over 2018 Farm Bill

By ·April 17, 2017
Friedman School of Nutrition & Department of Economics, Tufts University

Do Undocumented Immigrants Overuse Government Benefits?

By ·March 28, 2017
Williams College

Medicaid and Block Grants: Lessons from Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

By and ·February 24, 2017
UC Davis Department of Economics and Center for Poverty Research

Social Security Benefits: When Do You Plan to Retire?

By ·February 9, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Stadiums as Public Investments

By ·September 4, 2023
Smith College

The Resilience of State and Local Government Budgets in the Pandemic

By ·March 29, 2022
University of California, San Diego

COVID-19 and Medicaid: Can State Budgets Handle It?

By and ·December 17, 2020
Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health and Urban Institute

Why Does the Census Matter for State and Local Governments? (UPDATED)

By and ·August 31, 2020
McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University

States Face Daunting Budget Gaps. What Can Be Done?

By , and ·June 25, 2020
Northeastern University, UMass Dartmouth, and Northeastern University

How is the Coronavirus Crisis Affecting the Municipal Bond Market?

By ·April 8, 2020
Brandeis University

The Burden of Public Pension Promises on State and Local Budgets

By and ·December 19, 2018
Brandeis University and Stanford University

How Proposed Changes in State and Local Tax Deductions Matter for Public Schools

By ·November 9, 2017
McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University

A Public Pension Time-Bomb?

By ·August 2, 2017
Brandeis University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Lessons for Investors and Regulators

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Stock Market Volatility and Risk

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Evaluating Stock Prices

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Understanding Stock Prices

By and ·July 6, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

When Do Stocks and Bonds Move Together, and Why Does it Matter?

By , and ·May 30, 2023
Harvard University, Harvard Business School and Harris School of Public Policy of University of Chicago

Benefits and Costs of Requiring Companies To Disclose Climate Risks

By ·June 29, 2022
University of California, Santa Cruz

Is the U.S. Stock Market Fairly Valued?

By ·June 12, 2022
Dartmouth College

What to Make of Stock Market Volatility? (VIDEO)

By and ·August 28, 2019
Harvard Kennedy School, and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

What Problems (If Any) Arise From Stock Buybacks?

By ·April 29, 2019
Brandeis University

What Does the Stock Market Tell us About Politics?

By and ·May 14, 2018
Boston University and Dartmouth College

Putting the Recent Swings in Stock Market Indexes into Context

By ·February 8, 2018
Brandeis University

Is Taking on More Student Debt Bad for Students?

By , , , and ·November 10, 2020
Columbia University, Brigham Young University, U.S. Federal Reserve, and Vanderbilt University

The Case For Protecting Student Loan Borrowers

By ·July 17, 2017
University of Michigan

College Financial Aid: What You Don’t Know Can Cost You

By ·May 30, 2017
Wellesley College

The Diploma Gap: Growing Costs of an Unfinished College Education

By ·May 24, 2017
Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Graduate School of Education

Tip Off: The Problem with Exempting Tips from Taxes

By and ·September 20, 2024
Brookings Institution


By ·February 1, 2024

Should We Suspend Gas Taxes to Counter High Oil Prices?

By ·March 31, 2022
Tufts University

Taxing Multinational Corporations

By ·July 10, 2021
New York University School of Law

The Other 95%: Taxes on Pass-Through Businesses

By and ·April 22, 2021
Brookings Institution

Can Taxes Improve our Health and our Planet?

By ·March 25, 2021

Taxing the Rich (UPDATED)

By ·October 27, 2020
Reed College

Are Taxes (And Also Spending) Progressive?

By and ·November 11, 2019
The Brookings Institution and EconoFact

The Distributional Effects of Fiscal Policy (VIDEO)

By and ·April 28, 2019
The Brookings Institution and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

How Big is the Problem of Tax Evasion?

By and ·April 3, 2019
Brookings Institution and Tax Policy Center

Should Governments Tax Sugary Drinks?

By ·December 5, 2018
University of Michigan

Policy Implications from Rising Economic Inequality

By and ·November 13, 2018
Reed College and University of California, Berkeley

Assessing the Impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (VIDEO)

By ·October 29, 2018
Reed College

The Capital Gains Tax and Inflation

By ·August 13, 2018
Brandeis University

How will the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Impact American Workers?

By ·May 29, 2018
Reed College

Higher Gasoline Taxes and Infrastructure: An Idea Whose Time has Come?

By ·April 7, 2018
Wellesley College

The University Endowment Income Tax: Who Will Pay it and Why Was it Implemented?

By ·January 25, 2018
Wellesley College

Tax Reform Threatens Infrastructure Investment

By ·December 26, 2017
Brandeis University

Do Current GOP Tax Reform Proposals Resemble Reagan’s Tax Reforms?

By ·November 29, 2017
Kennedy School, Harvard University

Do Place-Based Policies Work?

By ·November 28, 2017
University of California, Irvine

How Proposed Changes in State and Local Tax Deductions Matter for Public Schools

By ·November 9, 2017
McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University

Would Cutting Corporate Taxes Raise Workers’ Incomes?

By ·October 26, 2017
Reed College

Will Tax Reform Have an Impact on Charitable Giving?

By ·October 5, 2017
Texas A & M University

Does Taxing U.S. Corporations Make Sense in a Global Economy?

By ·July 19, 2017
Reed College

The Success of the Earned Income Tax Credit

By ·May 8, 2017
University of California, Berkeley

Will Paul Ryan’s Tax Reform Set Off a Trade War?

By ·April 6, 2017
Carnegie Mellon University and Peterson Institute for International Economics

Education Funding: Tax Credits Cost the Federal Government Money

By ·March 21, 2017
McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University

Who Will Pay for the Wall?

By ·February 13, 2017
Robert M. LaFollette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

House GOP Tax Plan Aims to Boost Competitiveness, Might Also Violate Trade Law

By ·January 20, 2017
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

What the SolarWinds Breach Revealed About Our Cybersecurity Vulnerability

By ·January 10, 2021
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Antitrust in the Digital Age — Google, Amazon, and What Follows

By and ·November 12, 2020
Tufts University

Election Infrastructure and the Market for Voting Technology

By and ·February 11, 2020
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and EconoFact

How Much Do Cybersecurity Breaches Really Cost and Why Does It Matter?

By ·December 1, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Big-Tech and the Resurgence of Antitrust

By and ·January 28, 2019
Tufts University

What is the Problem of Forced Technology Transfer in China?

By ·August 3, 2018
Carnegie Mellon University and Peterson Institute for International Economics

Can Both the United States and China Be Winners in a Global Technology Race?

By ·July 25, 2018
Rutgers University

Automation and the Growing Importance of Social Skills in the Labor Market

By ·January 16, 2018
Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Graduate School of Education

The Productivity Slowdown is Even More Puzzling than You Think …

By ·May 17, 2017
Wellesley College

Will Manufacturing Jobs Come Back?

By ·January 20, 2017
Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Graduate School of Education

Industrial Policy is Back. Is That a Good Thing?

By , and ·October 21, 2024
International Monetary Fund

Can Trade Policy Help Combat Climate Change?

By and ·July 8, 2024
Boston College and Indiana University

The Rise of Economic Sanctions in U.S. Foreign Policy

By ·June 25, 2024
The Fletcher School, Tufts University

International Trade

By and ·February 9, 2022

How Economic Crises Spread Abroad

By and ·September 24, 2021
University of California, Santa Cruz and Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Role of Shipping in World Trade

By ·June 9, 2021
Harvard University

Steel Tariffs and U.S. Jobs Revisited

By and ·February 6, 2020
Harvard University and University of California, Davis

What Aspects of the WTO is the Trump Administration Targeting for Reform?

By ·January 28, 2020
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

What is the Toll of Trade Wars on U.S. Agriculture?

By and ·January 15, 2020
Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Costs of Tariffs (VIDEO)

By and ·November 24, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University and Harvard University

Should the Government Subsidize Exporters? (VIDEO)

By and ·October 29, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University and Harvard University

The Costs of U.S. Tariffs Imposed Since 2018

By ·October 10, 2019
University of California, Davis

Do Bilateral Trade Deficits Matter? (VIDEO)

By and ·September 4, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University and Harvard University

Should the United States Try to Weaken the Dollar?

By and ·August 5, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and University of California, Berkeley

The Politics of Manufacturing Decline

By , and ·July 30, 2019
University of California, San Diego, Harvard University, and Georgetown University

Is China Weakening the Yuan to Fight U.S. Tariffs? (UPDATE)

By ·July 11, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Link Between the Shift in Politics and Globalization (VIDEO)

By and ·May 30, 2019
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Costs of Tariffs in the U.S.-China Trade War

By ·May 14, 2019
University of California, Davis

The Mexican Border and U.S. Trade: What Would Be the Impact of a Border Closure?

By and ·April 13, 2019
University of California, Davis and University of Minnesota

Import Tariffs can also Reduce Exports (VIDEO)

By ·October 8, 2018
Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University

The Financial and Economic Crisis in Turkey

By ·August 22, 2018
University of Maryland

Threats to U.S. Agriculture from U.S. Trade Policies (UPDATED)

By ·August 5, 2018
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

What is the Problem of Forced Technology Transfer in China?

By ·August 3, 2018
Carnegie Mellon University and Peterson Institute for International Economics

Can Both the United States and China Be Winners in a Global Technology Race?

By ·July 25, 2018
Rutgers University

How Much of your Car is Made in Mexico?

By ·June 20, 2018
Harvard University

U.S. Trade Policy: Going it Alone vs. Abiding by the World Trade Organization

By and ·June 15, 2018
Harvard University and The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

What is the National Security Rationale for Steel, Aluminum and Automobile Protection?

By ·June 6, 2018
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Will Steel Tariffs put U.S. Jobs at Risk?

By and ·February 26, 2018
Harvard University and University of California, Davis

Do Trade Restrictions Work? Lessons From Trade With Japan in the 1980s

By ·November 20, 2017
Carnegie Mellon University

Can President Trump Terminate NAFTA or KORUS Without Congressional Approval?

By ·November 7, 2017
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

The Economics of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement

By , and ·November 6, 2017
University of California, Davis

The Jones Act and the Cost of Shipping Between U.S. Ports

By and ·October 19, 2017
Brandeis University and Harvard University

Are Global Imbalances a Source of Concern?

By ·September 29, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

What Do We Learn from Bilateral Trade Deficits?

By and ·May 25, 2017
Harvard University and Fletcher School, Tufts University

Import Limits on Steel and Aluminum: Protecting National Security or Protectionism?

By ·May 9, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Is China a Non-Market Economy, and Why Does It Matter?

By ·April 12, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Carbon Taxes and U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness Concerns

By and ·April 11, 2017
Tufts University

Will Paul Ryan’s Tax Reform Set Off a Trade War?

By ·April 6, 2017
Carnegie Mellon University and Peterson Institute for International Economics

Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing? The President’s Trade Policies So Far

By ·April 4, 2017
LaFollette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Looking for Export Growth in All the Wrong Places

By ·March 29, 2017
Carnegie Mellon University and Peterson Institute for International Economics

Agricultural Implications of President Trump’s Policies

By ·March 20, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Who Owns Us? Foreign Investment and Trade Deficits

By ·March 13, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Driving Home the Importance of NAFTA

By ·January 29, 2017
Harvard University

Is the Trade Deficit a Drag on Growth?

By and ·January 20, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Fletcher School, Tufts University

House GOP Tax Plan Aims to Boost Competitiveness, Might Also Violate Trade Law

By ·January 20, 2017
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Will Manufacturing Jobs Come Back?

By ·January 20, 2017
Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Graduate School of Education

Do Trade Restrictions Work? Lessons From Trade With Japan in the 1980s

By ·November 20, 2017
Carnegie Mellon University

The Economics of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement

By , and ·November 6, 2017
University of California, Davis

What Do We Learn from Bilateral Trade Deficits?

By and ·May 25, 2017
Harvard University and Fletcher School, Tufts University

Who Owns Us? Foreign Investment and Trade Deficits

By ·March 13, 2017
Fletcher School, Tufts University

Is the Trade Deficit a Drag on Growth?

By and ·January 20, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Fletcher School, Tufts University

Immigrant Deportations: Trends and Impacts

By ·October 9, 2024
Brookings Institution

Immigration and Public Benefits

By ·May 5, 2021

Immigrant Deportations During the Trump Administration

By ·March 25, 2021
Williams College

Coronavirus’ Disproportionate Economic Impacts on Immigrants

By , and ·June 17, 2020
University of Colorado Denver, University of California, Berkeley and Williams College

Secure Communities: Broad Impacts of Increased Immigration Enforcement

By ·January 13, 2020
University of Colorado Denver

Does Deporting Immigrants Lower Crime? Evidence from Secure Communities

By and ·December 11, 2019
University of California, Davis

What Explains the Wages of Undocumented Workers?

By and ·July 24, 2019
Queens College, City University of New York

A Snapshot of the Undocumented Population in the United States (VIDEO)

By ·October 18, 2018
Williams College

The Economic Gains from Legalizing DREAMers

By ·January 23, 2018
Queens College, City University of New York

The Economic Cost of Repealing DACA

By ·September 11, 2017
University of California, Davis

Do Undocumented Immigrants Overuse Government Benefits?

By ·March 28, 2017
Williams College

Agricultural Implications of President Trump’s Policies

By ·March 20, 2017
Robert M. La Follette School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Who Gains and Who Loses if We Turn Off the Immigrant Jobs Magnet?

By ·January 27, 2017
Williams College

Should the United States Build a Wall on the Mexican Border to Reduce Unauthorized Immigration?

By ·January 24, 2017
Rutgers University

Racial Differences in Unemployment Insurance

By and ·April 11, 2023
Barnard College and Duke University

Improving the Timing of Unemployment Insurance

By and ·May 13, 2021
Dartmouth College and Wellesley College

Job Loss and the Safety Net

By and ·December 2, 2020
University of Colorado Denver and University of Connecticut

Layoffs, Divorce, and the Effect of Unemployment Insurance

By , and ·October 21, 2020
Texas A&M University, University of Oklahoma and Montana State University

The Role of Automatic Stabilizers in Fighting Recessions

By ·October 13, 2020
George Washington University

Did the CARES Act Help Counter Pandemic-Fueled Growth in Inequality?

By and ·October 1, 2020
York University and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Have Enhanced Unemployment Benefits Discouraged Work?

By ·August 11, 2020
University of Pennsylvania

The Unemployed and Essential Low-Wage Workers After the CARES Act

By and ·April 6, 2020
Dartmouth College and Wellesley College

Unemployment Insurance Fixes to Address the Coronavirus Fallout

By and ·March 22, 2020
Dartmouth College and Wellesley College

How Weak is the Labor Market?

By and ·April 1, 2021
Boston College and Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Unequal Impact of COVID-19 on Children’s Economic Vulnerability

By , , , , and ·July 14, 2020
University of Minnesota and Cornell University

Unequal Employment Impacts of COVID-19

By , , , , , and ·June 1, 2020
Indiana University, Ohio State University and University of Georgia

Do Economists Agree on the Impact of Immigration? (VIDEO)

By ·November 2, 2018
Rutgers University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Lessons for Investors and Regulators

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Stock Market Volatility and Risk

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Evaluating Stock Prices

By and ·July 13, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Finance at a Time of Stress: Understanding Stock Prices

By and ·July 6, 2023
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Exchange Rates

By ·June 21, 2023

The Scourge of Hunger in the U.S. and the World

By and ·December 15, 2022


By and ·June 24, 2022

International Trade

By and ·February 9, 2022

Child Poverty

By ·June 16, 2021

Would a Carbon Tax Hurt the Poor and the Middle Class? (VIDEO)

By and ·February 13, 2020
Tufts University

The Problems with Low Inflation (VIDEO)

By and ·December 18, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University, and Wellesley College

Development and Climate Change: International Dimensions of a Global Problem (VIDEO)

By and ·December 9, 2019
Tufts University

The Costs of Tariffs (VIDEO)

By and ·November 24, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University and Harvard University

No Free Lunches: Budget Constraints in Public Policy (VIDEO)

By and ·November 18, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University, and Wellesley College

Is Big Bad? Evolving Anti-trust Concerns in the U.S. (VIDEO)

By and ·November 8, 2019
Tufts University

Should the Government Subsidize Exporters? (VIDEO)

By and ·October 29, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University and Harvard University

Understanding the Low Inflation and Low Unemployment in Today’s Economy (VIDEO)

By and ·October 21, 2019
Harvard Kennedy School, and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

What Can Policy Do to Make Housing More Affordable? (VIDEO)

By and ·October 16, 2019
Tufts University

Measuring How Well the Economy is Doing (VIDEO)

By and ·September 30, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University and Wellesley College

Antitrust Policy in the Era of Technological Giants (VIDEO)

By and ·September 26, 2019
Tufts University

The Carbon Tax (VIDEO)

By and ·September 19, 2019
Tufts University

Is Homeownership a Good Way to Build Wealth? (VIDEO)

By and ·September 12, 2019
Tufts University

Do Bilateral Trade Deficits Matter? (VIDEO)

By and ·September 4, 2019
Fletcher School, Tufts University and Harvard University

What to Make of Stock Market Volatility? (VIDEO)

By and ·August 28, 2019
Harvard Kennedy School, and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Globalization and its Consequences (VIDEO)

By and ·July 16, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and The University of California, Berkeley

The Political Considerations in Fiscal Policy (VIDEO)

By and ·June 20, 2019
The Brookings Institution and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Immigrants and Public Benefits (VIDEO)

By ·June 11, 2019

The Link Between the Shift in Politics and Globalization (VIDEO)

By and ·May 30, 2019
Harvard University and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Relevance of the Global Economy to the U.S. (VIDEO)

By and ·May 19, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and The University of California, Berkeley

China’s Exchange Rate Policy (VIDEO)

By and ·May 6, 2019
The Fletcher School, Tufts University and The Brookings Institution

The Distributional Effects of Fiscal Policy (VIDEO)

By and ·April 28, 2019
The Brookings Institution and The Fletcher School, Tufts University

What Tools Does the U.S. Have to Combat the Next Recession? (VIDEO)

By and ·December 12, 2018
Harvard University and George Washington University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

Understanding Trends in U.S. Labor Force Participation (VIDEO)

By and ·December 3, 2018
Harvard University and George Washington University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

What Explains Slow Productivity Growth in the United States? (VIDEO)

By and ·November 25, 2018
Harvard University and George Washington University and The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

Weighing the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Universal Basic Income (VIDEO)

By and ·November 9, 2018
Reed College and University of California, Berkeley

Do Economists Agree on the Impact of Immigration? (VIDEO)

By ·November 2, 2018
Rutgers University

Assessing the Impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (VIDEO)

By ·October 29, 2018
Reed College

A Snapshot of the Undocumented Population in the United States (VIDEO)

By ·October 18, 2018
Williams College

Import Tariffs can also Reduce Exports (VIDEO)

By ·October 8, 2018
Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University

Many Families With Children Experience a “Hidden” Source of Poverty

By , and ·January 20, 2021
Duke University

Taxing the Rich (UPDATED)

By ·October 27, 2020
Reed College

How Does Wealth Beget Wealth? Evidence from Sweden

By , and ·August 4, 2020
Columbia University, University College, Dublin and Lund University

Growing Racial Wealth Disparities Among Families with Children

By and ·July 27, 2020
Northwestern University and Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University

Is Homeownership a Good Way to Build Wealth? (VIDEO)

By and ·September 12, 2019
Tufts University

Do Low-Income Families Build Wealth Through Homeownership?

By and ·April 9, 2019
Tufts University

The Capital Gains Tax and Inflation

By ·August 13, 2018
Brandeis University

Are We Seeing a New Housing Bubble?

By ·June 27, 2018
Tufts University

Many American Households Are Still Struggling to Build Wealth

By ·October 7, 2017
Harvard University

The Impact of Roe v. Wade on American Fertility (UPDATED)

By ·June 27, 2022
Wellesley College

Do State-Level Policies Impact Maternal Mortality?

By and ·February 24, 2020
Boston College

Could Expanding Access to Contraception Improve Economic Outcomes?

By , and ·August 20, 2019
Texas A&M University and Vanderbilt University

Unintended Consequences of an International Abortion Policy

By ·February 15, 2017
Swarthmore College