How Much Does College Really Cost?
June 11, 2024
It turns out that college often costs much less than the headlines suggest, but it is still too expensive for many, and becoming more so over time.
June 11, 2024
It turns out that college often costs much less than the headlines suggest, but it is still too expensive for many, and becoming more so over time.
April 18, 2023
Roughly two-thirds of students will have greater eligibility for financial aid. But some could see a sizable, unexpected increase in cost.
January 22, 2023
The hyper-commercialized system of U.S. college sports is in a period of transition and deep financial crisis. But change is coming.
June 7, 2022
Spring 2022 enrollment was worse than expected given trends toward more normal college operations. A continued decline would compound challenges facing many colleges.
April 14, 2021
Higher education student enrollment declined with the pandemic, particularly for new college students. The size of the impact varied across institution types.
November 10, 2020
Concerns about negative impacts of student loan burdens must be weighed against the financial benefits of a college education made possible through borrowing.
July 17, 2019
Incoming international students have recently declined in the U.S. amid debates about immigration and greater world-wide competition for international students.
March 17, 2019
Most low-income students with strong academic credentials do not even apply to highly selective colleges. New evidence shows low-cost outreach can be effective.
July 29, 2018
The population shift towards the Southwest, coupled with a drop in the U.S. fertility rate, suggest the potential for significant contraction and realignment in higher education in the next 10 to 15 years — if the patterns that currently link demographic factors to the demand for higher education continue to hold.