Economics of Infant Feeding in the U.S.
October 7, 2022
The national shortage of baby formula in the U.S. cast an urgent spotlight on the difficulties parents can face in meeting basic nutritional needs of babies.
October 7, 2022
The national shortage of baby formula in the U.S. cast an urgent spotlight on the difficulties parents can face in meeting basic nutritional needs of babies.
June 28, 2022
The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade could contribute to lower preventive care for women and impose financial costs on households.
June 27, 2022
If lessons from the past hold, we would expect that reversing Roe v. Wade would have differential effects by region and demographic group.
November 19, 2021
The opioid crisis started with over-prescribing of prescription painkillers and shifted to more dangerous illegal substances including heroin and fentanyl.
October 25, 2021
Continued usage of lead water pipes and remaining leaded fuels raise the risks of infant mortality, lower fertility rates, and cognitive difficulties.
October 6, 2021
The flu results in more hospitalizations when there is more air pollution. Vaccination against the flu could mitigate this negative impact of pollution.
July 21, 2021
Research finds that expanding Medicaid lowers mortality and does not significantly raise state expenditures. The extra federal dollars stimulate state economies.
February 10, 2021
Students exposed to a school shooting suffer trauma that could generate life-long consequences. New research finds negative educational and health impacts.
June 30, 2020
Medical costs dropped in the short-term, as non-COVID care was deferred and may never be made up. Huge uncertainties exist regarding future trends in costs.